Chapter 35

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"Ice skating?" Camila asked incredulously and stared at the building in front of her. Maybe she shouldn't have trusted Lauren afterall.

"Yup! It's a shame that it's only the beginning of November, otherwise we could have skated at Central Park... but this is pretty good too," Lauren said smiling and bounced excitedly. "Don't look like that, Camz, this is gonna be fun!"

"I somehow think that breaking my bones won't be that much fun," she grumbled. "Lauren, I'm... I don't know if you haven't noticed it yet, but I'm kind of really clumsy. Like, totally. This is gonna be my death!"

"Don't be so dramatic," Lauren snorted and rolled her eyes playfully. "You'll be fine."

"I manage to fall on my butt when I'm walking down the street and now you want that I put some weird knives under my feet and walk with them on ice?!" Camila huffed. "I'm lucky if I'm alive after this..."

"That's the spirit! I'll show you how to ice-skate. It's really not that difficult, Camz," Lauren told her and Camila noticed with disdain that she gave her those stupid puppy eyes. This was so not fair. As if she could say no to... that. Why was Lauren so goddamn cute?!

She couldn't suppress the smile that tugged on her lips any longer and sighed deeply. "Fine. But if I fall, I'll take you with me."

Lauren chuckled and squeezed her hand. "Not gonna happen. If you fall, I'll catch you."

Again, why was she so perfect? Camila felt how her cheeks grew hot and hoped that she wasn't blushing... but as Lauren winked at her, she knew that she was. She quickly averted her eyes.

"And we're gonna get some hot chocolate afterwards, I promise," Lauren continued and tugged on her hand. "C'mon, Camzi, let's show these idiots how to ice-skate!"

"Technically I'm one of those idiots, but whatever," she mumbled, but she let herself get pulled to the entrance.

A few minutes later they found themselves on a wooden bench and Camila glared at the shoes in her hands.

"There is no way that I'll be able to even stand on these things, Lauren! Do you see this? Do you see how thin it is? How are you even supposed to balance on that?!"

"Uh, maybe like this?" Lauren asked and Camila sharply looked up only to see Lauren standing in front of her wearing the skates.

"Showoff," she muttered.

"Just put them on and stand up. It's as simple as that."


Camila hesitantly did as Lauren told her and when the skates were properly tied, she looked around. There were even little kids who were running with those things! This was going to be so embarrassing when she was going to fall...

"Camz, take my hands, I'll pull you up. You won't fall, I promise."

Lauren gave her a confident smile and gently took her hands. Camila shut her eyes tightly and hold onto the hands that were slowly pulling her into a standing position. She would fall, she knew she would...

"Camz? You can open your eyes again," she heard Lauren's amused sounding voice.

Slowly she cracked one eye open, before the other followed. She was standing!

"Oh my God! I did it!" she called out and stared amazed at her skates. She could actually stand in them! How was that even possible?! "I'm a natural!"

When she heard Lauren's giggle, however, she looked up and frowned at the laughing girl. Lauren merely shook her head, still laughing slightly and motioned her to take a step forwards. "Let's get you on the ice and see what remains of your natural talent."

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