Chapter 75

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With a loud click, the door snapped shut behind her. Camila sighed in relief as the biting wind was finally unable to reach her. Now that it couldn't assault her face any longer, she gingerly lowered the scarf that had been pulled up to her eyes after leaving the subway. Winter had definitely arrived in New York City.

The gloves and the knit cap were stuffed into the handbag as she walked over to the dozens of mailboxes on the wall beside her. Camila furrowed her brow as her eyes searched for theirs. No matter how often she had already gotten their mail from here, she still couldn't quite remember the exact position of their box. Just that it was somewhere on the top right. Her skills were seriously lacking in that regard. Especially since she had once watched how Lauren didn't even have to look but just walked right up to it, without any hesitation. There had to be some kind of trick for that. She was sure of it.

It took a full minute before her eyes finally settled on their mail box and she mentally patted her back for a job well done. She fished the key out of her pocked and swiftly opened it, not really expecting to find anything – Lauren's weekly description of The Economist  had already arrived yesterday as well as the newest issue of Forbes – but inside the usually empty metal box lay an innocently beige envelope. And with it came another surprise; the envelope was addressed to Lauren and  her.

Feeling slightly intrigued, Camila took it out and looked for a return address but found none. Who would write to both of them? Their parents? They were the only ones who even knew they shared an apartment and had reason to write them... or it was just some junk mail.

She rolled her shoulders as the stiffness made itself known again and groaned quietly. The letter could wait until she sat nice and warm on their couch. Three hours walking around in the mall had definitely taken a toll on her and she wasn't particularly proud of refusing Dinah's repeated suggestions to take a break. It had been stupid and she really, really regretted it... although she did find a, hopefully suitable, first Christmas present for her girlfriend after searching the entire mall for it.

When she walked into the elevator, Camila carefully reached into her purse to check that it was still there and punched the button to their floor with her other hand. A satisfied grin tugged on her lips as her fingers traced the little package and she couldn't wait to see her girlfriend's reaction when she opened it on Christmas. If Lauren liked this, it had all been worth it. Every tense muscle in her body, every minute spent walking aimlessly around, every shop Dinah had dragged her to... this was going to be the best first present ever.

Dinah had let it slipped that Luis had never been one to put much thought into his presents while Lauren was always the complete opposite. But this was a new beginning, a new relationship, a new life. It would be their first Christmas of hopefully many, many more and Camila wanted to show her how much she cherished her, how much Lauren meant to her. Lauren deserved a thoughtful present and not some – Camila cringed inwardly – some coupons  or a book.

Sometimes she seriously wondered what Lauren had seen in Luis other than his looks, but she always quickly shrugged it off. The past was the past and Lauren didn't need to be reminded of him  ever again. Well, they still had to go to the trial, whenever that would take place. But after that...

Still deep in thought, Camila entered their apartment and absently took off her scarf and coat. She didn't pay attention when she heard Lauren talking softly in the living room, but when suddenly a male voice joined in, Camila froze.

"– not about that, you can't do it alone."

Why the hell was Jacob  talking to Lauren when she wasn't there? They weren't friends by any means, they didn't even like each other one bit. Well, Jacob told her once that he thought Lauren was cool, but... okay, and Lauren had admired  his naked upper body only yesterday, but... but... why was she even thinking about this?!

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