Chapter 49

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Camila looked out of the car window towards the building of her old elementary school. After all these years it still looked the same. Not that she had thought otherwise since it had only been a little over a year when she had picked up Sofi every day.

"I'll let you out right here and try to find a parking space. Is that okay, Camz?"

She nodded distracted and opened the car door. It felt weird to be here again. The last time she had known how Sofi was going to greet her. She had known how the little ball of sunshine would jump into her arms, giving her a koala hug as their little secret greeting. But now? Would her little sister even blink? Would Sofi turn away, ignoring that she was even standing there? Although she wouldn't deserve any better with everything she had put her sister through...

"Hey..." Camila felt Lauren's hand on her arm, stopping her from leaving the vehicle. Slowly she turned around to look into her green eyes that were filled with worry. "Everything is gonna be alright. Remember, she's only giving you this attitude because she loves you so much. She's going to forgive you one day, I know she will. And don't be nervous, I'll be right beside you, I'm just going to park the car, okay?"

Camila gave her a shaky smile and Lauren leaned over to peck her lips.

"You got this, babe."

Taking a deep breath, Camila got out of the car and quickly adjusted the scarf around her neck. Lauren had really done a number on her and she honestly couldn't wait for revenge. Maybe right before the Thanksgiving dinner... she would love to see how Lauren was going to explain something like this to her parents and siblings.

She smiled lightly at the thought and slowly stepped a little closer towards the school. They still had a few minutes until the final bell rang, but she could already see the other parents waiting for their children as well. Burying her hands deep inside of the pockets of her jacket, she looked towards the blue sky where not a single cloud could be found. It couldn't have been a better day.

"Karla? Karla Cabello, is that you?"

Camila heard a familiar sounding voice and she hesitantly turned around. A blonde woman with light blue eyes in her early forties strut towards her, an expansive designer handbag dangling on her arm, and Camila nervously reached up to her scarf.

She knew that she couldn't pretend that she was someone different nor could she ignore that woman. Too many years had they spend conversing during church gatherings or when she had picked up Sofi from school. Like today.

"Mrs Rodgers, how are you?" Camila politely asked after she had made sure that everything was still covered up. That woman was one of the biggest gossip lovers of probably the entire city.

"I'm fine, dear, excellent in fact. But how are you? I haven't seen you in quite some time," Mrs Rodgers said and gave her a kiss on each cheek. Camila tried not to grimace as the heavy cloud of perfume hit her nose and managed a polite smile.

"I'm great, thank you for asking. I've been pretty busy, so..." Camila trailed off, not knowing what her parents had told their social circle about her disappearance.

"Ah, yes! Of course, of course." Mrs Rodgers nodded energetically. "Just like your parents! Always working, always striving for success! They surely must be proud. So, it's Harvard, I presume?"

"Um, no, I actually –"

"Oh, so it's Yale! Very prestigious school, indeed!" Mrs Rodgers interrupted her and Camila had to bit back a groan. She had almost forgotten how annoying that woman was. "Although your father must have been a little disappointed that you chose your mother's alma mater over his. Are you following her footsteps as well in the surgical field?"

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