Chapter 48

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"Did I ever tell you how cute you look with your glasses?"

Camila glanced to her left and only managed a weak smile. She was really not a morning person and it didn't help that they had taken one of the earliest flights to Miami. "And I still think that you're the one who needs glasses."

"Nope," Lauren told her and started to swing their intertwined hands between them as they pulled their suitcases through the masses of people. "You should wear them more often. I really like them."

"Right," she drawled sarcastically. "I bet they're hot as hell, huh?"

Lauren leaned closer with a smirk on her lips and Camila narrowed her eyes suspiciously. What was she up to now?

"I don't know about the glasses," Lauren whispered into her ear, "but you wearing them? Hell yeah."

Camila swallowed dryly as Lauren pulled back. She really started to hate it when Lauren was doing things like that, especially when they weren't alone and she had to restrain herself.

Since their movie night they hadn't spent any quality time together and it was... she didn't even know what it was, but something about it was immensely frustrating. When they had been alone in their apartment, they had to study or do homework, or it had been so late that all they wanted to do was sleep.

She hated that all she could think about was that one kiss and how it made her feel that evening. Yes, it had been totally embarrassing to just attack Lauren like that in front of their friends, but... she wasn't really sorry about it. She wanted to do it again. And she had almost succeeded this morning... but no, they had a stupid flight to catch.

Camila sighed exasperated and let Lauren guide her through the terminal, acting as if she hadn't said anything. Sometimes she really thought that Lauren actually enjoyed torturing her. The green-eyed girl knew that she wouldn't do anything in public. Not like other people who didn't have any problems with shoving their tongue down their partner's throat...

"Are we taking a cab this time?" Camila asked and stared disdainfully in the direction where Luis had waited for them last time. The image of Lauren jumping into his arms was still way too fresh for her taste.

A soft squeeze of her hand made her look towards Lauren again, who gave her a reassuring smile as if she knew what she had been thinking about. "My dad offered to pick us up and I couldn't shake him off, he was pretty adamant about it."

Camila smiled slightly as her thoughts drifted to Mike. He was an amazing guy. The entire family was amazing from what she had seen during her last visit. They were all so very different from what she was used to growing up, watching them had sometimes felt a little surreal. Like straight out of a movie. She had never believed that there actually were parents like that in real life until she met the Jaureguis. And sometimes - she was ashamed to admit it - but sometimes it made her jealous beyond belief.

She let her eyes wander over the crowd, trying to find the man in question, but it was hopeless. She was really bad at finding people. It had started early on with 'Where's Waldo?' and she had never gotten better at it. Although a loud squeal from her side told her that, as long as she had Lauren with her, it wouldn't become a problem in the future.


Camila couldn't keep the smile from her face as Lauren left her suitcase and her behind to sprint towards Mike who had already his arms open, ready for the inevitable impact. As soon as Lauren had reached her father, he pulled her into a bear hug and lifted her up from the floor which caused his daughter to fall into a fit of giggles.

During the exchange, Camila couldn't help but feel a slight pang in her chest as she watched how Mike lovingly kissed Lauren's forehead. She never had and never would experience something like that with her own father, the thought alone was laughable... but that certainly didn't stop her heart from hurting each time she saw scenes like this one.

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