Chapter 24

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She tightened her grip on her books and quickly walked down the hall, her eyes never leaving the floor. There were three rules to consider if one wanted to survive another day in this hell.

Don't look up. Be fast. And try to be as invisible as possible.

Granted, that only worked if you didn't have someone specially looking for you.

"Karla, there you are!" he called out and she picked up her step. Maybe if she ignored him, he would leave her alone... "Hey! I'm talking to you!"

Someone grabbed her shoulder and slammed her into the row of lockers to her right. She grimaced slightly as her back throbbed in pain.

"You shouldn't always try and run away from me, babe," he leaned down and whispered into her ear. "I will always find you."

She swallowed dryly and brought her books closer to her body. Maybe if she didn't say anything he would go away... it couldn't be very amusing if she didn't react, right?

"So, in a few days is graduation." He twirled a strand of her hair in his fingers. "There's gonna be a party in the evening. You remember John, don't you? John Simmons?"

Of course she knew who that was. He was one of Gabriel's friends from middle school. She was thankful that some of them were a year older and had left middle school earlier than herself. And John even went to a different high school, so she had never seen him again after that.

A sharp pain in her scalp made her whimper when Gabriel's hand pulled her head on her hair back into her neck.

"It's not very polite to ignore me when I'm talking to you, Karla," he hissed and tugged on her hair one more time.

"I'm sorry," she whispered and he finally let go.

"You better be," Gabriel spat. "And look me in the eyes, freak!"

She was pathetic... but she had learned that it was better to follow his instructions than to go against them. When her eyes finally met his, he smiled satisfied and nodded.

"See? I knew you could listen if you wanted to. Good girl," he praised and she felt sick. "You're going to that party."

It wasn't a question. It was a demand.

"I... I c-cant," she stuttered and his eyes narrowed.

"What is that supposed to mean?! Do you have any idea what I'm sacrificing with inviting you to that party?" he asked sharply.

"I-I'm sorry," she quickly apologized. An angry Gabriel was never good. It was dangerous. "But m-my parents want to have dinner with the rest of the family..."

"So what? You can't sneak away for a few hours in the night?" He snorted and shook his head. "You're going, Karla. The whole crew is gonna be there, y'know? Just like old times. And we can't have you missing, can we?"

Even though four years was a long time, she didn't want to see the others ever again. She wanted to leave this school and never look back.

"You really don't want to miss that party... it's gonna be... memorable." Gabriel gave her a crazy smile and it sent shivers down her spine.

Whatever he had planned, she didn't want to be anywhere near that party. The glint in his eyes worried her far more than anything ever had before. But she nodded regardless, knowing that he would never leave her alone, if she didn't at least agree to go.

He leaned down for a second time.

"Good girl," he whispered and pressed his lips against her cheek. "I can't wait."

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