Chapter 17

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Why were they in the forest again? Camila didn't know and she certainly had been looking forward to never see that place ever again. She wrapped her arms around herself and nervously glanced around.

"It's only a forest, Mila." She felt an arm around her shoulders and relaxed slightly, before leaning her head against Dinah's shoulder. "Just some boring trees and ants and spiders..."

"Ew, stop that," Normani complained and narrowed her eyes at the firs and needles surrounding them. "I get it that this is a good place and all, but why couldn't we have done it somewhere else?"

"Lauren liked the meaning of it or something, I don't know," Chris explained, shrugging. "And there will be no one around. The less people, the better."

"I can't wait for him to show his stupid face," Dinah grumbled. "I knew he was no good... I've waited for this for... wait..."

"Three years, two months, eighteen days," Normani immediately responded, "and... what time is it?"

Camila raised her eyebrows in disbelief, before looking down at her watch. "Um... 5:37 pm?"

Normani and Dinah exchanged a glance.

"19 hours and four minutes," they chorused and high-fived.

"You guys are insane," she mumbled and looked around once more. "Where are they?"

"They'll be here any minute," Chris told her, glancing at his phone. "You all know what the plan is, right? We'll just tell him how it is. No one is going to get arrested," he added and looked to Dinah. "Understood?"

"Geez, live a little," the tall girl whispered, rolling her eyes. "As if he would run to his daddy and tell him that he was hit by a girl..."

"You don't know that," Normani threw in. "He always does it to fix things or to get revenge. He would find a way."

Dinah sighed. "Alright, fine. I won't break any bones..."

"Shh, I think I can hear them," Chris hissed and they all quietly disappeared behind the trees and bushes.

"... knew you loved it. Remember the first time I fucked you? That was great, I should've taken you sooner into a forest for a picknick."

Camila grimaced and saw the others doing the same.

"I mean, I get that it was your first time and all, but you still got me to finish, so it's all good," Luis said to the silent girl beside him.

Lauren lost her virginity to this... this... asshole? Camila shuddered at the thought. She really didn't want to think about it. She could have gone her rest of her life without knowing this...

"I'm glad we're doing it again, it's been such a long time, babe. I have needs, you know? We could have done it in the car like I suggested. I honestly don't care where we are as long as I can feel you again."

"Luis, we're not doing it," Lauren finally cut him off and Camila breathed out a sigh in relief. She had been through enough trauma already, she didn't need to witness that kind of conversation.

"We... we're not?"


"What the fuck, Lauren! Why the hell are you dragging me into this damn forest in the first place? I ruined my jeans because of those thorns! Do you know how much they cost?! And all for nothing? At least give me a blowjob or something! You owe me!"

"We should have gone with plan A," Camila heard Dinah whispering beside her. "I'm gonna barf."

Lauren stopped a few feet away from them. "I owe you? For what exactly? What did you do that I owe you something like that?"

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