Chapter 46

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Camila stared at the banana muffin, not really feeling like eating it. She knew it would be delicious, Ally had made it afterall, but with everything that was on her mind, she couldn't bring herself to enjoy it.

Lauren had called Luis and told him that they were together. And she had defended him. Sure, Lauren told her that what they did was unforgivable, but she had expressed doubt that Luis had actually been an active part in her misery.

How could she? How could Lauren be so naive and believe every lie he fed to her? What about the things Luis had said in the woods? Lauren knew how Luis felt about her, how he had said that she deserved everything...

It didn't make any sense. How could Lauren just believe him with just a few words? Was it that easy for him to manipulate Lauren like that? Well, she had been his girlfriend for three years, and he'd learned from the best... so yes, he surely knew what to say to make her believe him.

But it hurt. It still hurt. Lauren should have known better than this...

"Mila, are you okay?" Ally asked concerned.

Camila looked up and was met with her typical sweet smile. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, ask away!" The short girl sat down in front of her. "My shift ends now anyway."

She gave her a hesitant smile back, not entirely sure if she should really ask the smaller girl. But who better than her, right? "What do you think of Luis?"

Ally looked taken aback for a moment. "You mean... Luis? As in Lauren's...? Um, he's... well, he's..."

Camila raised her eyebrows as she watched Ally's struggle to come up with an answer. If even Ally  had problems to say something nice about him, anyone had to see what kind of person he was, right?

"He's... something," Ally finished lamely and brushed her hair out of her eyes. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason." Camila sighed. She couldn't even be mad at Lauren for calling him since she had explained her reasons... but why did she believe him when all he ever did was lie? Lauren knew that he had manipulated her in the past, that he had tried to control her. Why couldn't she just open her eyes? Why was Lauren clutching at every straw that made it seem like he was a decent person? Why was she letting him manipulate her so easily?

"Is this because of Lauren? Mani told me that she called him," Ally said hesitantly. "She seemed very irritated that Lauren had done it... but I doubt that Lauren and him are getting back together, you don't have to worry about that."

Camila looked at her confused. Had none of the other girls spoken to her? Had they forgotten to tell Ally? She knew that Lauren had told Normani... She had thought that one of the girls would have said something to her.

"No, I'm... I'm not worried. Uh, did... you don't know?"

Ally frowned. "Know what?"

"Um... Lauren and I... we're... um, dating..." Camila said slowly and Ally's face lit up. She watched in awe as an enormous smile and pure happiness appeared on her face that put the sun to shame.

Ally reached out and clasped both of her hands in sheer excitement. "You are?! That is so amazing, I hoped that y'all would get together sooner or later! I couldn't be happier for you, Mila! You two are literally perfect for each other!"

"Thanks," Camila answered shyly and her cheeks got warmer.

"Look, Mila, about Luis..." Ally sighed, now looking quite serious. "I'm a firm believer that everyone deserves a second chance if  they're genuinely sorry for what they did. I was the one who convinced Lauren to give him a call. She didn't want to talk to him ever again. Don't be mad at her."

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