Chapter 38

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Camila looked around and nervously tugged on the hem of her white dress. She really  shouldn't blindly trust Lauren when it came to things like this.

"Damn, it's been too long!" Normani shouted over the loud music, grinning madly.

"Preach," she heard Dinah behind her as Lauren pulled Camila further into the large room.

The light was dim, but she could see probably hundreds of people dancing on the open space between the entrance and what she assumed was the bar at the far end. Lauren told her that this club, or whatever, was only for young adults and had very strict rules, so it was nearly impossible for someone underage to get drunk.

She should have known that Lauren's definition of party was different than hers. Camila glanced wide-eyed at the sheer amount of people and clenched Lauren's hand. She really hated huge crowds. But she wasn't going to ruin the girls' fun. And it was only for a few hours...

Lauren smiled at her over the shoulder and stopped the group near an empty couch. "What do you think? Amazing, right?"

Camila tried not to show her discomfort as she looked around once more. She had never been in a place like this before, so she wasn't sure why the others were so keen on it. "Yeah, pretty cool."

"They play all kinds of music in here and more often than not there are songs that I've never heard before. If you want them to play a special song you'll have to talk to the DJ over there," Lauren told her and pointed to a platform on the other side. "Normani usually knows them and they play pretty much everything she wants... don't ask me how she does it, she's talented like that. Although they had to put their foot down once after she requested one Beyoncé song after the other..."

Camila glanced to Normani who was looking at the dance floor like a kid in a candy store. She could tell how badly the older girl wanted to start dancing.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with Beyoncé!" Normani yelled to Lauren and Dinah nodded vigorously.

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Right."

"Oooh, that's my song!" Ally interrupted their banter and bounced excitedly before pulling Dinah and Normani out on the dance floor.

"Figures," Lauren chuckled and shook her head. "Play a song of Justin Timberlake or JLo and she goes crazy. You want to get something to drink first?"

"Um, sure," Camila answered and felt grateful that Lauren wasn't abandoning her, yet.

As Lauren led her through the crowd, Camila immediately felt eyes on them and bit her lip. It was really no wonder that people would stare at Lauren, especially since she looked so, for the lack of a better word, hot tonight. Her eyes travelled down the crop top and down to the jean shorts that Lauren was wearing. Really hot.

It took her a second before she realized that she was staring again and her eyes snapped up. This had already happened multiple times on the way here and every time Dinah had to nudge her to make her stop. If there had ever been a moment of uncertainty about her sexuality, it had flown out of the window.

Camila sighed and squared her shoulders. It was really no surprise why most of the guys were looking at Lauren, but why were some staring at her? Had she something on her face? Or was a gum stuck on her dress? She knew that she shouldn't have sat down in the subway... but the girls would have told her, right?

"You want a coke, too? Or something else?" Lauren asked as they reached the bar and she nodded.

"A coke would be nice, thanks," she answered distracted and furrowed her brows at a guy who was smirking at her. Seriously, was something wrong with her dress? She had thought it looked cute...

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