Chapter 65

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It had taken a lot of effort, but she had finally convinced Lauren to go home after spending the entire night by her side. Not that she didn't like to have the girl with her, especially now, but Camila knew that it was the right thing to do. Now she only needed to somehow get it into her head that she had to go back to New York. It wouldn't be fair if Lauren missed important classes just because she was stuck in the hospital for an entire week...

The knock on the door got Camila back to the present and she couldn't suppress the frown as her father came in. What was he  doing here?

"Karla." He nodded at her and walked over to the end of her bed. He looked slightly more put together than yesterday, but still not his usual best. There were dark shadows beneath his eyes and a stubble roughened his chin. This was definitely not normal. "I see that Miss Jauregui finally remembered that she has a different home than this place?"

She fisted the bedsheet, forcing herself to remain calm. "What do you want?"

"There are two police officers who want to talk to you about yesterday's events. I managed to hold them off until later this afternoon, seeing as you were... heavily under the influence of your pain medicine."

Camila blushed and glanced down. She remembered only bits and pieces, but she must have said or done something embarrassing when she had woken up last evening – Lauren's smirk had still been present this morning.

"Don't they already know what happened? They have Luis and John and Chris..."

"They still need your statement. Especially since none of them are talking."

Her head snapped up and she met her father's eyes. "What do you mean, they aren't talking? Not even Chris?"

"Oh, Mr Santos and Mr Simmons are saying plenty – just not the truth. They are currently blaming the late Mr Forster for every crime they are being accused of."

What?!  Camila gaped at him. This could not be happening... "That's... that's... no." She shook her head vehemently. "Just... no. They will not get away with it again. Chris wanted to tell the police everything... why isn't he? Why is he letting them do this?"

"Mr Jauregui hasn't said a word since the police took him into custody. I am not sure what he is doing, but it is not going to be in his favor if he stays silent." He gave her a meaningful look and Camila knew that he wanted her to pass this information on to Lauren. "There is not enough evidence that could connect Mr Santos and Mr Simmons to the murder of Miss Steinfeld and with a good lawyer they will only get a minor sentence from the jury. I am not speaking for my colleague, but if I were the prosecutor of this case – I wouldn't be opposed to offer a deal to Mr Jauregui, to make sure that the main suspects become the rightful sentence they deserve."

Camila swallowed dryly and twisted the bedsheet in her hands. A deal? "What exactly is he being charged with? Lauren always changes the subject when I ask..."

"Accessory to murder. That means he could very well be facing life."

She stared at him in horror. Life?!  But... Chris had evidence – hadn't he? Camila furrowed her brow. He had said something about an envelope... about videos... had that been all a lie? "He said they threatened Lauren somehow..."

Her father shrugged. "As long as he doesn't open his mouth, there's nothing that can be done."

They fell silent for a while, each lost in their own thoughts, before her father cleared his throat.

"Listen, Karla... I did not only come here to tell you about the case – which is technically not something I'm allowed to do. I..."

He pinched the bridge of his nose, obviously struggling with words. She had never seen him like this. What was it? What made him so uncomfortable?

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