Chapter 71

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"How does it look?"

Camila glanced up from the book as her girlfriend sat down next to her on the couch. "Like you tried to cover up a black eye."

"But it's nearly gone, though... right?" Lauren tilted her head to the side.

Biting her lip, Camila gently cupped Lauren's face. It was still slightly visible as was the swelling, but at least it didn't look as horrendous as it did when they had woken up. "It's definitely better than before."

"I bruise so easily, it's not even funny," Lauren grumbled.

"Nothing about that punch was light," she countered before giving her a cheeky grin. "But I'll keep that in mind for future references."

Lauren pulled away and raised her eyebrows. "I'm talking about a serious injury and you think about making out? Camila Cabello, I am appalled!"

"Oh, now  it's a serious injury? Make up your mind, Jauregui," she teased back, causing Lauren to giggle. She couldn't help but smile at the adorable sound. That girl was so freaking cute when she laughed like that...

It was a small wonder that she was now able to joke like this. Especially after waking up to see the aftermath of her nightmare in bright daylight. It had taken her quite a while to calm down and get to the point in which she could treat it as the accident that it was. Lauren had assured her time and time again that it was not her fault, that it would have happened to anyone, and even told her an embarrassing story about one of her own nightmares so that she would stop blaming herself. And Lauren claimed, that it didn't hurt as bad as it looked. Although she wasn't quite sure how true that was.

The green eyes twinkled merrily as her laughing ceased. "Touché, Camz. You win this round."

"Just this one? I think you are mistaken."

"Is that so?" Lauren asked challenging, but before she could add anything, the sound of the doorbell rang through their apartment. Standing up, she playfully rolled her eyes. "Hold that thought, the lunatics are here."

"Be nice..."

"This is  me being nice," she got the amused reply and snorted quietly. "You know very well how exhausting they can be when they're all together in a confined space – we see it at our weekly movie nights."

Right on cue, the doorbell started to ring in a weird but repetitive pattern and Lauren pointed accusingly into its direction as Camila tried not to laugh.

"And that's either Dinah or Normani because RINGING THE GODDAMN DOORBELL IN THE RHYTHM OF 'DRUNK IN LOVE'  IS JUST WHAT THEY WOULD DO," Lauren yelled at the door and the ringing stopped as suddenly as it started. Shortly after, Camila heard the muffled sounds of laughter. "Jesus Christ!"

Smiling widely, she waited until Lauren had finished cussing them out at the door for 'being idiots' and finally ushered them into the living room. Camila stood up as Dinah walked in, dramatically shaking her head. Behind her were a smug looking Normani and a smiling Ally.

"What do you have against Queen Bey, Lauren?" Normani called over her shoulder. "It was a perfectly nice ring tone, if I do say so myself."

"Mila!" Dinah cried out and ran towards her as soon as she saw her. "I missed you!"

Shutting her eyes tightly, she awaited the typical bone-crushing hug from her best friend, but to her utmost surprise, Dinah pulled her into one of the gentlest hugs she had ever received. Recovering from her initial shock, she gratefully embraced her before pulling away.

"Are you really feeling okay? I know you told me on the phone, and Lauren said the same thing when I quizzed her last week, but are you sure?" Dinah held her at an arm's length and gave her a once-over. "You look a little pale and I think you lost some weight – Lauren, is she eating enough?"

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