Chapter 37

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Camila sighed, probably for the hundredth time. She just couldn't help it. This day had been agonizing so far. Her shift at the diner had been exhausting – or rather its customers – and it certainly didn't lift her mood when Dinah reminded her that the song had to be ready in two days. Two freaking days.

Sure, she had followed Dinah's advice and had started to write down everything she liked about Lauren, but it was surprisingly difficult to put it into a song. She just didn't know how to begin. Well, that and she just didn't know how to properly express everything she felt.

If she wrote a song about Lauren, it had to be perfect. It couldn't be anything less. And she wanted – one day – to sing it for her. Camila wanted Lauren to know how much she meant to her and how thankful she was for everything she had done.

Camila glanced to her right where Lauren was curled up on their couch and talking to Clara on the phone.

Writing down all the little things about Lauren, that made her happy, was really starting to get to her. She had carefully tried to keep her feelings in check over the last month and not to be too obvious about them – at least not in front of Lauren. First it had been because of the relationship with Luis... but now?

Lauren obviously needed some space after the long relationship had ended and wouldn't want to jump right into the next one. Camila didn't know much about this kind of stuff since she had never experienced any of it, but that had to be it, right? She had even asked Dinah about it who had agreed with her on that matter. But how long would it take Lauren to be ready to move on?

It wasn't that she was impatient. She could and would  wait for Lauren as long as she needed. But there was this other small problem. Camila furrowed her brows. She had already caught herself multiple times in which she had stared at Lauren's lips. She was being far from subtle anymore, but she just couldn't help it. Everything had come up while she had been writing her list of things she liked about the green-eyed girl and it wouldn't go away anymore.

Not that she would initiate anything since she was new to all of this, but nevertheless she had to wait for a sign from Lauren that she was ready. Since their talk after the little ice-skating adventure, she was now absolutely sure that the green-eyed girl felt something more than friendship towards her. Lauren couldn't have meant anything else by saying what she did. At least that was what she hoped.

It had been the first time that Lauren even mentioned anything like that to her. Sure, Lauren had told her how much she meant to her, but everything could have been interpreted as platonic before that evening. Their cuddling and hand holding might not have been entirely normal for friendships, or maybe it was. Lauren was always very affectionate with everyone. No matter what Dinah told her, Camila had to hear it from Lauren. And that evening, she thought she had heard it.

But Camila wanted to wait. If Lauren still needed some time and space, she would get it. She just hoped that she wouldn't make it awkward for the green-eyed girl with all the staring she had been doing lately. The last thing, she wanted to do, was to make Lauren uncomfortable.

"Uh, yeah, she's here with me."

And suddenly Camila's stare was met with a pair of green eyes that seemed to have the power to hypnotize her. How could they be so beautiful?

"Alright, give me a sec," Lauren said into the phone and covered it with her hand. "Camz? My mom wants to know whether it's okay to invite your mom and Sofi for our Thanksgiving dinner. Apparently they've been talking."

Camila blinked confused and shook her head. "They what?"

"Our moms have been exchanging words on a regular basis," Lauren told her, smirking slightly.

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