Chapter 39

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A/N: *quietly singing to myself* It's getting hot in here.....


"Get your filthy hands off of my girl, you little fucker!" Lauren hissed and tightened her grip on his shirt.

Camila could only stare at Lauren in shock as Jacob defensively held his hands up.

"Dude, I wasn't trying to do anything! We were just joking around!"

Lauren scoffed and glared at him venomously. "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Chill, dude! I didn't even know she was taken, okay? She never mentioned a girlfriend, alright?" Jacob said and seemed to get nervous under Lauren's piercing eyes. "I'm not a douche, bro."

"Could have fooled me!"

Camila shook her head and tried to clear her mind. What was going on?

"Lauren, leave him alone! What are you even doing?" she asked in pure disbelief and Lauren merely glanced once in her direction before her eyes focused on Jacob again.

"What do you think I'm doing?! Good thing I was looking out for you!"

Jacob scoffed and was obviously feeling a little more confident now that Camila had spoken up. "You know, I wouldn't have left my girlfriend alone in a club full of horny assholes. I wouldn't have dragged her to something that she doesn't like in the first place. And I wouldn't have left her sitting here all by herself, bored out of her mind, while I had fun with my friends. I don't call that  looking out for someone you love."

Lauren laughed coldly. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No, I'm not," Jacob shot back. "I'm fucking  serious. You know how long I've been talking to her? Almost an hour. Almost an entire hour and I've not seen your face once. You sure care a lot about her! No wonder you're reacting this way. It must not take much to feel threatened, right?"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Lauren!" Camila quickly stood up and pulled her away from Jacob. She didn't know what the hell was going on nor did she understand why Lauren got this worked up over something as ridiculous as this, but she knew that she had to intervene before it could start to spin out of control. "Stop it, would you? Jacob was just being nice and we only talked."

Lauren broke the staring contest with Jacob and looked into her eyes, seemingly searching for something. "Are you sure?"

"A hundred percent. Could you please just apologize so that we can move on?" she asked meekly and glanced to Jacob who furrowed his brows. She loved that Lauren was so protective of her, but this went too far...

Lauren took a deep breath to calm down and intertwined their hands, squeezing them tightly, before she turned her attention back to Jacob in front of them. "I'm sorry, dude. That was out of line. I only saw you on top of Camila and... I guess I lost it for a moment..."

Jacob shook his head, still frowning at her. "It's alright. But you better treat her right from now on. I only talked to her for a little while, but I could already tell that she's something special. Don't screw it up, bro. She deserves better than this."

Camila's eyebrows shot up as she suddenly realized what they had been talking about the entire time. "Oh, we're not –"

"I know and I won't," Lauren interrupted her firmly without looking at her. "Now if you excuse us..."

Without waiting for a reply, Lauren tugged on her hand and pulled her into the crowd before she could even think about saying something to Jacob.

"Lauren, what the heck?! I couldn't even say goodbye to him and he was so nice! Where are we even going?"

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