Chapter 27

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A/N: So, I tried something different... this chapter is from Lauren's POV! Surprise! ;)


"How could you just let her go like that?" Lauren yelled into the phone and ran through the hallways. "Fuck!"

"Lauren, how was I supposed to know that she would leave when I go into the back? It was only a minute and then she wasn't there anymore... I think that I made her angry and she left... what's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal?!" Lauren clenched the phone angrily. If Ally knew the things that she knew... "She was upset, wasn't she? And you just –"

"Lauser! I hope it's something important that you called me in the middle of the lecture," she heard Dinah behind her and turned around to face the taller girl. "I didn't even have to make up an excuse, my professor threw me out. He threw me out!"

"I don't fucking care! Did Camz call you?" she frantically asked and Dinah frowned, puzzled.

"Mila? No, why?"

"Lauren, she said she didn't have her phone with her," Ally cut in and Lauren wanted to throw hers against the wall.

"Nevermind... we need to find her!"

"Lauren, what's going on?" Dinah asked and tried to keep up with Lauren who started running down the hallway and out of the building. "Lauren! Freakin' wait!"

"We don't have fucking time!" she shouted over her shoulder and sped up. "Who knows where she is!"

"Lauren, you can't just run through the entire city and shout her name," Ally tried to reason with her. "Do you know where she could have gone?"

"I... I don't know," she answered and ran her fingers through her hair. "Fuck!"

"That's okay, Lauren... don't freak yourself out, okay?"

"Lo? What's even happening, why are you looking for Mila?" Dinah asked confused when Lauren suddenly stopped on the sidewalk. "And who is that on the phone?"

"Ally," was Lauren's short answer and put her on speaker. "Fuck, where the fuck would she go when she's upset? Why didn't we ever talk about that? Shit, I should have asked her... I should know this..."

Dinah furrowed her brows. "Why are you so worried? Mila is a big girl and if she's upset, you should leave her be. Maybe she needs some time to be alone and sort out her thoughts..."

"You don't get it, you all don't get it," Lauren called out frustrated. She wanted to rip her hair out. She wanted to tell them. But she didn't want to betray Camila. She had worked too hard to gain her trust, or at least the amount of trust that Camila was comfortable in giving her... but what if her life really was in danger? Should she call the police? An ambulance? What did you do when a person disappeared and possibly wanted to kill themselves?

"Then explain it," Dinah said sharply. "I did not get thrown out for nothing, Lauren. You know what an asshole my professor is, he's gonna –"

"I can't! I... you know that I wouldn't call you in the middle of a lecture, if it wasn't important," Lauren stressed and Dinah nodded slowly.

"Where's Mani?"

"Her phone is turned off," Lauren explained and started pacing. "We need to find Camila... Ally, you're stuck in the café, aren't you?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Marcus couldn't make it and I'm alone with the customers... but my shift ends in two hours."

"Okay... here's what we do. Dinah, you go to the places where you would expect Camila to go... like every single one of our apartments, the diner where she works, and I don't know... go wherever you think she might go if she's upset."

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