Chapter 67

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The dark eyes narrowed slightly and Camila knew that he was carefully considering her proposition.

"You think you can get him to talk?" He raised his eyebrows slightly. "And how could you manage what experienced detectives couldn't do? What his own lawyer couldn't do?"

"If I'm right," Camila answered, and she was pretty sure that she was, "Lauren and Chris are very alike. And if that's the case, then I know why he refuses to say anything."

It had now been four entire days since Lauren left Miami. She hadn't realized how much she would miss the presence of her, but Lauren, being the amazing person that she was, called her every morning as soon as she woke up. It was certainly an effective way to start the day with a smile.

Lauren's absence had also given Camila more time to think about the mystery that Chris seemed to be. At first his actions caused her headaches because nothing had made sense. But Chris was Lauren's brother and she had refused to give up before she had a solution to this mess. She would not stand by and watch helplessly as Chris slowly but surely ruined his future and family.

But then she had the idea. What if Chris and Lauren shared some of the same traits? Was the answer directly in front of her this whole time? She would get an answer, if she was able to talk to him and, seeing as he was currently in custody, she had to bring in the big guns to make it happen. And that led her to calling the person who was now sitting in front of her.

Her father leaned back, his expression unreadable. "And why is that?"

Camila shrugged. It was really only a guess, but right now it was the best they had. And Jaureguis were a stubborn bunch. "He feels guilty."

"He is  guilty," he corrected her.

"No. He's not." Camila saw how his eyes narrowed and rushed to elaborate. "At least not of the thing he feels the most guilty of; Hailee's death. Let me talk to him, he'll listen to me."

But her father shook his head. "That's not possible. You know that."

"Then make  it possible! You have so many connections, use them. I called you because I know that we have the same goal. They need his testimony, they need the evidence, that I know  he has hidden somewhere, to put the other two behind bars! Yes, Chris is an idiot and should have gone to the police straight away, but I'm not letting him throw his life away and cause his family more pain because of his damn Jauregui-ness," she said heated and clenched her fists in frustration.

When she hadn't done her walking and breathing exercises with Jacob, she had thought about the morning in the old factory building and had written every detail she could remember into a notebook that Jacob had gotten for her. And the more she had thought about it, the surer she was that Chris had told them the truth.

"Even if I could, you are in no condition to travel to the police station –"

"I'll be in the wheel chair the whole time," she quickly interrupted him. "I already asked Dr Sanchez."

"– it is winter, you could get sick –"

She looked at him in disbelief. Really?  Who was this person and where was her father? Right now was not the time to play the concerned parent... "We're in Miami. It's not cold here."

"– or catch a disease from others –"

"I'm in the hospital  right now, it's basically a gigantic hotel for sick people and germs. I'm probably safer outside of it."

The corners of his mouth twitched and Camila was almost sure that he was suppressing a smile. That was definitely something new. "Your mother would not be impressed."

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