Chapter 36

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"I don't understand you, Mila. Just write this song and be done with it," Dinah called out exasperated. "You never had trouble before, what's stopping you now?"

Camila huffed and threw her pencil at the taller girl, but, much to her chagrin, Dinah managed to duck. "I never had to write a happy  song! I don't know what to do!"

"This sounds kinda sad," she heard the other girl mumble and glared at her. "Alright, sorry! But you have to admit that you're... I think you're being too hard on yourself. Writing a happy song is just like writing any other song; you have to find the right inspiration for it. So the main question is: what makes you happy?"

She furrowed her brows. What made her happy? "Uh... reading?"

But Dinah shook her head and sighed. "Not like that, it has to be more intense. More like... you can't help but smile because of it, even if you're feeling down, something that just makes you forget why you were sad in the first place..."

Well, that sounded like... Camila's gaze was drawn to the half-opened door of the study as Lauren ran her hand through her hair, completely captivated by the book in her hands. She watched as Lauren scrunched up her nose as she read something, that she obviously didn't agree with, and Camila had to suppress a smile. A little wrinkle appeared between her eyebrows and Lauren let out a little sigh of frustration before she turned the page.

"... or maybe someone," Dinah's voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she tore her eyes away from Lauren.

"Huh?" she asked confused, but Dinah only smirked.

"Don't you even try. You totally drifted off just now and simply stared at Lauser while I talked and tried to help you. But if she makes you happy, why not? Write about her."

"I... she... what?" she stuttered, looking between Dinah and the study. She couldn't possibly write a song about... about Lauren.

But Dinah leaned forwards and lowered her voice a little, so that it couldn't be heard outside of the living room. "I see how you look at her, Mila. I'm not the captain of your ship for nothing. You look at her as if she's the most important person in the world, as if she's the answer to all of your questions..."

Camila felt herself blushing and broke the eye contact with Dinah. Did she really seem that desperate?

"It's not a bad thing, Mila," she heard Dinah's soft voice. "I'm glad that Lauren has someone like you by her side, even if it's only as her friend as of right now. She deserves someone that puts her first and cares about her like that. And trust me, it's definitely not one-sided either."

Camila played with her fingers and hesitantly looked up again. "I don't think I can write a song about her..."

"Why not?" Dinah asked curiously. "Think about how she makes you feel. Let your emotions and your heart write it for you."

"My heart?" She furrowed her brows.

But Dinah nodded. "The best lyrics come straight from the heart. I'd say, just write down what she makes you feel and so on. Look it over and maybe you'll come up with something."

Camila glanced back to Lauren who was still engrossed in her book and sighed. She knew that she couldn't possibly put into words how much Lauren meant to her, but it was worth a try, wasn't it? But how could she write a song about someone who was basically the main reason that she was still here?

As if Lauren had felt her gaze on her, she looked up and Camila was met with her sparkling green eyes. Lauren lifted her eyebrows a little before a shy smile played on her lips.

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