Chapter 33

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Trigger warning: blood, serious injury, mentions of assault and death


"Last year Luis invited me to a party at the beginning of summer... it was supposed to be a small get-together to reconnect with old friends... the girls were in town as well and I wanted them to finally meet some of the people I grew up with..."

Camila felt how Lauren's hand started to tremble. Without a second thought, she tightened her hold and stroke with her thumb soothingly over the back, trying to give her comfort as best as she could.

"At first I didn't want to go... I had wanted to go to a beach party with the girls, but Luis convinced me... I can't remember everything, but I wish that I had left with the girls... or that I could have somehow prevented it..."

She couldn't help but stare in disbelief and fear at the girl next to her as Lauren told her a story that was so horrifying, so detailed, that it felt as if she was experiencing it herself...

The music played loudly through the sound system as drunk teenagers were hollering and grinding on each other. The smell of alcohol, sweat and vomit assaulted her nose, but she smiled as she felt her boyfriend's protective arms around her, pulling her closer.

"Babe, you're so hot," his voice whispered into her ear and she smirked. "Save me another dance, right? I need to go and look for someone. I'll be right back."

"Sure, babe," she answered and watched him leave as he waved at someone that she couldn't see. Something about this party was different than the others she had attended. She had a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach, but it was probably only the alcohol. She was getting paranoid.

But still. Something felt wrong.

"Lo?" Ally's voice called out from behind her and she turned around, swaying slightly, but she managed to catch her balance. "Mani's not feeling well, we're heading back... are you coming?"

"I promised Luis a dance," she explained and smiled widely. "It's not even that late yet, you party pooper!"

Dinah dragged a stumbling Normani to their group and she had to giggle at that sight.

"Whoa, that's how you party! High five, girl!"

But Normani only groaned loudly and Dinah grimaced.

"Don't even, Lauser. She already vomited all over the floor... you better not go into the kitchen, it's really disgusting..."

"Whatever," she drawled and hit Dinah's shoulder. "Don't treat me like a child! You're the child!"

Dinah chuckled and shook her head. "How much did you have? Let's go, Lauser. We need to put you to bed."

"I don't wanna! Lemme 'lone!"

"She promised Luis a dance," she heard Ally explaining quietly. "I'm sure he'll take care of her."

"You entrust him with her safety? Are you crazy?!" Dinah whispered harshly, but her attention was suddenly drawn to something else. A familiar face framed with long brown hair disappeared between grinding teenagers and her eyes widened. But it couldn't be... "There's something weird going on here..."

"Imma stay here," she slurred and waved at her friends before stumbling into the direction she had been staring at. "Byyeee!"

"Lauser! Wait –"


Where was Luis? Why hadn't he come back? He promised her a dance... and where were the others?

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