Chapter 68

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People around her did not suspect him but as soon as she laid her eyes on him, she knew that it wasn't her husband. All her worst nightmares had come true when she looked into his eyes. He was grinning as he held the ice-cream in his hand but his eyes did not hold love like Lionel's did. She knew that it wasn't Lionel when she placed her palm on his cheek. She did not feel the urge to kiss him like she would have felt with Lionel. She felt nauseous when she breathed in his scent, the perfume was definitely the one that Lionel always wore but the person in front of her wasn't him. It had to be Devon, the devil that haunted her nightmares from past few months. But she couldn't let him know that she had found out. If she did that, there was a chance that she might never see Lionel again. Because the Biochip that was inserted into Lionel's arm wasn't functioning properly, as Ansel had informed her earlier. She observed that Devon was wearing Lionel's security bracelet, so she formed a plan in her head immediately. She was going to beat Devon in his own game.

When Devon hugged her, she felt repulsive but she couldn't show it. She somehow managed get away from his disgusting grip. Her kids kicked around in her belly, as if noticing their mothers' discomfort. That was another way she confirmed that it wasn't Lionel. They had decided on keeping the twins gender a surprise until birth. Only Lionel and Katherine knew that they were having twins. Ansel was quite surprised when Lionel acted like he did not know what a biochip was. But wasn't foolish enough to not read the room. He decided to play along with his capo. Katherine opened her eyes as soon as Devon shuffled out of the door at midnight. She knew that he would sneak out and lead them straight to Lionel. She quickly called her men into the meeting room and explained them the situation.

Ryder was deeply ashamed that they had been fooled by him again, despite knowing that he was a cunning bastard. "We have to get Lionel immediately, considering my condition I might need your help now more than ever." She stated looking at her team. "It's our duty to protect him Capo, we are sorry we failed but We promise you that we will get him back." Jason said with determination and everybody agreed with him. Ansel quickly got into work, tracking the Biochip inserted into Devon's arm. He felt proud of his Capo's brilliance and her courage to not falter at dire situations. "I got that bastard capo, I just sent everyone his location." Ansel said and just like that, the Capo di Capi's army went out to hunt down Devon and bring their godfather safely back to their Capo.

Katherine managed to put on a stoic face on the way to Lionel but Ryder knew that she wasn't alright. He placed his hand on her fist, not uttering a single word but they both knew what each other wanted to say. Their relationship was like that, the capo understood what her beta was thinking and vice versa. Just like Ansel had told them it was an abandoned printing press building. The building was so old that it was already in ruins. " We cannot use explosives Capo, the building might collapse." Ryder voiced his worries. "Get the drone, we have to locate where they are first. Have the snipers ready." Katherine ordered and just like she had guessed, they were on the first floor to the far side of the building. No matter how much her team begged her not to step out of the car, she did not listen to any of them. Finally, everybody decided to cover her as they shot Devon's guards down and reached the room Lionel and Devon was in. As soon as they reached the door, they heard Lionel's voice. "Devon,.." "You're screwed bitch."

Katherine gave the signal to the snipers through her earpiece as soon as she heard her man's words. "Now." She said as Ryder kicked the door down. Andrew quickly rushed into Lionel's side, untying him. Devon was corned and surprised. For the first time since he had started his plan, he failed to predict her move. He laughed maniacally at the scene unfolding in front of him. He realised why he had become obsessed with her in the first place. "My queen!" He cackled. "You're finally here." Devon stated dramatically as she sneered at him. "I'll make sure to personally finish you this time." She declared. "Why so serious my flower?" He pouted "You belong in my arms baby. Come to papa." He cooed at her opening his arms wide. Ryder kicked him in the gut making him fall to the ground. "What a psycho!" Lionel exclaimed, shocked at Devon's behaviour. "Katherine, leave that bastard. I'll forgive you for carrying his child." Devon said as blood dripped down from his broken nose due to Ryder's punch. Katherine and Lionel opened their mouth to retort but Kevin cut them to it.

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