Chapter 28 - The End?!

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Lionel's POV

After confirming with Ravi about the arrangements for proposal, I excitedly walked to Kate's office.

I put my hand on the door knob and took a deep breath to calm my nerves.
I twisted the knob and entered her office.

But I was shocked when I saw her red puffy eyes. Like, What. The. Fuck! Katherine Xavier never cries.

She was deep in thought, that she didn't even realise that I was in front of her.

"Babe.... Why are you crying?" I asked as I kneeled in front of her.
She suddenly snapped out of her day dream and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Wha... No. I'm not crying." she stuttered. I rolled my eyes and glared at her. "Katherine..... Can you explain me why your eyes are red and puffy then?" I asked her.

"Oh... That's because I'm allergic to dust. I went on a site visit today. You know how dusty the construction sites are." She said with a small smile.

I let out a relieved sigh. "Wear a mask next time. Now get up and wash your face. Your boyfriend will take you out on a date tonight." I told pulling her up.

"Date?!Should we really do this today?" she whined. I pinched her nose playfully.
"Yes darling. We should really do this today." I said and pushed her towards restroom.


The whole car ride was very silent. Katherine was very deep on thought. But I was sure that she wasn't thinking happy thoughts.

"We're here." I said and she snapped back to reality.
I opened my door and went out tho open hers. But she had already opened her door and was standing outside.

"Kate! Couldn't you wait till I open your door?" I playfully glared at her and wrapped my hands arround her waist.

She gave me a sheepish smile and muttered a sorry.
We stood in front of a very lavish hotel in the whole New York City.

As soon as I entered a blond girl greeted us. She eyed me up and down as if she'd feast on me. Disgusting.

She asked for the name the reservation was under.
"Lionel Lawson." i said my name curtly.

"Oh. Sure Mr.Lawson. Please follow me." she said and walked away after glaring at My Kate. But Kate ignored her and we started following her to the roof top garden.

Ravi did a good job in arrangements.
Kate gasped at the view. "Wow, it's beautiful." she said.

The whole rooftop was lit with colourful lights and there was a table and two chairs at the center.

"Surely not as beautiful as my queen." I said kissing her cheeks. She gave me a small smile.

I pulled out a chair and made her sit on it. We ordered food and talked about random stuffs but Kate was not her usual self.

I held her hand in mine and looked into her eyes. "You're worried about something. Tell me what it is
princess."I asked her.

"Lio, it's nothing. I'm just stressed about office." She assured me.
I gave her my genuine smile which she returned.

I kissed her had and pulled her up with me. I checked the time and it was time for the big reveal.

I lifted my left arm and pointed towards the sky. She was confused at first. I smirked as soon as she saw towards the direction I pointed her to.
Soon the fireworks started. At first it was heart shaped. Later came the words. Will You Marry Me?

Kate stared at them with her mouth wide open. I got down on one knee and held her hand. She looked at me with a shocked expression.

"Never in my life, I had dreamed about falling for my role model. But you Katherine Xavier have me wrapped around your fingers. My life without you is meaningless. So... " I took out a box from my blazer and held it in front of her. "Will you Katherine Parerra Xavier, be my wife?" I said.

My heart was thumping in my chest to know her answer. But I was sure that she would say yes. We were madly in love with each other.

Katherine's face held shock but it soon turned into rage. She smirked and started clapping.

I looked at her confused.
"Wow... Brilliant! What makes you think I would marry someone like you Mr.Lawson?" she asked me.

I stood in shock, opening and closing my mouth like a gold fish.

"You really are a gold digger aren't you? I'm The Katherine Xavier. I could have the  America's most eligible bachelor within the snap of my finger. And you think that I'd marry some poor, pathetic employee of My Company. Remember that you were just my Personal Assistant. Just because I made you one of the board of directors, you think that I'd marry you? Disgusting!" She said arrogantly.

My heart shattered with each of her words. Tears pooled in my eyes, even after my attempt to keep it inside.

"Kate.... Please stop it. I know you're lying. You love me." I said  but she held up her  finger to shut me up.

I said that I loved you. Because you were a pathetic love sick puppy. You were just one of my one night stands. Well,  i can't say one night because we slept for many nights. But the thing is Lionel...... I'm bored of you. Be happy that you're the only one who was with me for a longer period of time.
And...... Stay out of my way." she said and walked away leaving me all alone.
I sat on the floor, defeated. Tears flowed on my cheeks as her words kept repeating in my head.

I couldn't believe that she was the women I loved.
My phone buzzed and Ravi's name flashed across the screen.

I answered the phone.
"Boss, what happened? Did she say yes?" he asked all excited.

I laughed bitterly.
"Ravi,..... She's a  bitch." i disconnected before he could say anything else.

I got up and paid for the food. I walked arround the streets without a single thought in my mind.

I was blank and numb. All I felt was betrayal. Ravi kept calling my phone but I didn't bother to pick up.

I saw a figure at the coming towards me and I squinted my blurry eyes to see properly.

"Wanna have some fun handsome?" A street hooker ran her hands on my chest.

But I didn't push this woman away this time.

I smirked at her.

"Your place or mine?"

1097 words.

Well..... There ends Lionel and Katherine's Love story!

Or will it?

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