Chapter 4

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Katherine stared at him, trying to figure out the excuse he would come up with. She never thought that hiring him would be this entertaining. She was excited at the thought of having him at her dispense everyday because the first day with him had already managed to amuse her. His ears turned red as he came up with an answer." I'm sorry maam."  He muttered embarrassed. " I couldn't understand what they were talking about and I zoned out." Katherine couldn't hold in her chuckle and Lionel perked up at the sound." I can understand that you're not tech savvy but still, you are supposed to know what's happening so that you can remind me if I forget any crucial details. Do you understand?" She surprised herself at how calm she was handling him. If it was any of her previous assistants, they would have got an earful from her already.

Lionel quickly nodded, relieved that he did not get a scolding from her. Maybe she was being considerate of him since it was his first day at office because the Katherine he had heard of did not tolerate any mistakes. "You're dismissed for the day Mr. Lawson. Be at my apartment tomorrow morning at five with my coffee. And, you can ask Carter about how I take my coffee. Do not ever get me that garbage again." She said and he nodded, rushing out of her office.

He scolded himself mentally for messing up her coffee but soon reminded himself that it was not his fault. It wasn't like she told him. Lionel turned around when he heard Anthony calling his name." Mr. Lawson, wait."  The red head rushed towards him with a woman behind him on tow." You haven't completed your induction process yet. This is Holly from Human Resources. She will help you get acquainted." Anthony introduced the two of them. Holly was a chirpy woman who could make anybody feel at ease and Lionel quickly relaxed. He had felt that his energy was drained from all the tension with Katherine. Lionel chuckled as Holly kept talking his ear off as she took him around the office, introducing everyone.

Meanwhile, As soon as Lionel left the office, Katherine dialled the number of her private investigator. She wanted to know everything about Lionel. She knew that it was not moral or legal thing to do. But curiosity got the better of her. She was neither moral nor always legal.

"Hello ma'am. What can I do for you?" Jarvis answered in the third ring. His voice was quite irritated and she understood that he was not in a mood to chit chat. So, she got right to the point. "Check your mail and I want to know every single detail about him. Even the very personal ones. " she said. Jarvis was a man who got the job done effortlessly. Digging dirt about anything and anyone is a piece of cake for him. And the best part, nobody knows his real identity. It's like he doesn't even exist. "Gimme an hour." He said and disconnected the call. Katherine left to her penthouse since she was not in a mood to work anymore.

She quickly changed into her pajamas and sipped on red wine. She waited for his call and soon enough She was brought back to reality when her phone started buzzing. Jarvis had collected the information within 48 minutes. She was impressed with his skills yet again.

"Yes? " she answered the phone, asking him to get to the point. "Ma'am, I've got all the information about the person. "He said "Go on" she told him curiously.

" His full Name is Mr. Lionel James Lawson. Son of Mr. Harry Lewis, who's currently in jail for abusing his wife and kids. His mother is Mrs. Georgette Lawson and he has a younger sister Ms. Lara Georgia Lawson, she's still 16. He was born in California. He moved to New York two years ago. He owns an apartment in New York which is just a 15-minute drive from your office. His mother and sister are still in California. He been sending them money every two weeks from past 2 years. His mother works in a Law firm as receptionist and his sister is in high school now. He's running a case against his father from past ten years and has a hearing next month and this time, he's likely to lose the case since there's no sufficient evidence though his father is the culprit. He has a best friend named Drake and I don't have much information about him yet. I'm still digging ma'am. There are no past relationships and no criminal cases against him. His records are clean. These are the informations I have now. I'll let you know if there's anything else. " he said. "Thanks Jarvis." she replied him. He mumbled something under his breath and disconnected the call.

Interesting. She mused as she finished her wine.


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