Chapter 37

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Lionel's POV

I glared at the clouds out of the window of my private jet.And the reason for my annoyance was not those poor clouds.It was him.My stupid assistant/best friend Ravi.

"Are we there yet?" Ravi asked next to me. I sighed for the billionth time since the start of the journey.I turned to face him so that I can send him one of my infamous glares.Not that it works on this stupid meat head.It was the only way for me to vent my annoyance.

"For the Fifteen thousand six hundred and fiftieth time NO!" I snapped at him. He looked shocked at my outburst.'Ha! so he can understand when I'm annoyed.'I thought feeling a little relieved which only lasted for few seconds that is,until Ravi decided he should open his mouth and spit more garbage out of his mouth.

"Bro,..I thought it was fifteen thousand six hundred and fifty one!" He said looking like he solved one of the most toughest equations in the world.I clenched my fist and took a deep breath to calm my anger.Out of all the times I can punch his stupid face,this wasn't a good one.

"Does it really matter?" I asked him with a blank face.

"Of course it is important!"He exclaimed."The ultimate goal in my life is to annoy the sh...sorry garbage out of you.So keeping the count is really important." He beamed.

I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my mind.But I thought otherwise and closed my mouth. It wasn't worth it.No matter what I tell him now...My words will go straight above his head and he'll continue to annoy me further more.

"so....?" he asked looking at me expectantly.But I didn't know what he was expecting.Not that I can give him what he's expecting.But if he was expecting my fist on his face..I would happily give it to him.

"So what?!" I snapped at him to which he grinned like a Cheshire cat.

'Oh!I'm so not gonna like this.' I thought.

"Are we there yet?" He asked again. I opened my mouth again to yell a few colorful profanities at him but closed my mouth again.'What's the use?' I thought

I could hear him giggle next to me.Giggle like a freaking fifteen year old girl.

'What is he? Five year old?' I thought. But I knew why he was on a mission to annoy the hell out of me. He didn't like this trip to South Africa. He didn't like my plan to confront Kate. Probably he thought that I would get more upset if I see her again. Not that he thought wrong.

I may become a teeny bit upset. But I wanted to see her and talk to her like a matured individual. I really should get answers from her rather than believing the garbage she said that day. Because I know that she felt the same spark I felt in our relationship. Because our love for each other was true.

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply,trying to ignore the dull pain in my heart at the memory of her. Even after five years the wound is still deep.No matter how much I ignore it. Whenever I think about her, It hurts.It hurts like hell. I can still hear her infectious laughter. I can still see the glint in her eyes. I can still clearly see each and every curve of her smile. I thought I would forget as time passed by.But I was wrong. As each day passed by,it became unbearable to live without her.

Life has a funnier way of messing with people. Its funny how a persons whole life can change within a minute. Six years ago if someone had told me that I would one day be travelling in my private jet, I would have laughed in their face.Or six years ago if someone had told me that I would one day hate the person I have always loved and adored,I would tell them that they are crazy. But at this point in my life, someone can tell me that an elephant will lay eggs in future and I will think about the possibilities of it.

Human heart is crazy. Its main weakness is that it can't forget the person it truly loved.No matter how much it gets betrayed,crushed and walked all over. It still craves for that one person.That one person whom it's addicted to.

Likewise,my heart has an addiction too.Its addicted to Kate.The same woman who broke its trust.The same woman who crushed it with her perfectly manicured beautiful fingers. The same woman who made me doubt love.She didn't just break my heart.She made sure that it never healed.She may have thought that she has erased all traces of her from my life.But she couldn't erase her memories from my mind.She couldn't erase the beautiful moments we shared together.

How can a person breakup with someone so easily?How can they forget all the beautiful memories?How can they pretend that the person once they shared amazing moments with never existed?How can they bear to break the heart of the person they said they were in love with?Millions of How's swam in my mind. But only she held the answers to all the questions.And, I was out to get all those answers from her.

I felt a tapping on my cheek and immediately recognized those bony fingers. I swatted his hand away from my face. "Dude,What now?" I asked with an irritated sigh.

He grinned showing those pearly white teeth.I swear to god if he asks me if we were there yet,I will throw him from this flying plane.I wouldn't really care about us being 32000 ft high in the air.

"What are you thinking about bro?" He asked with an innocent face of a child.But only I knew what that face meant.It was a face he always gave me before some utter garbage came out of his mouth.

"What do you want Ravi ?" i asked him. Because he always bothered me when he wanted something.I knew that he didn't like flying. He always got more annoying whenever we went on business trips.

"You won't get angry if I ask you something right?" He asked me. My mind started thinking of various that he might ask.Most of them included questions about Kate.But boy I was wrong.

"Depends on what your'e asking. Its not like you would stop saying it,spit it out." I said. There was no use in denying the inevitable. Even if I had asked him to keep his trap shut,he would open it and say whatever the trash he had in his mind anyway.

His face brightened and the evil glint in his eyes returned.

"Are we there yet?" He asked,his voice mixed with laughter which intensified when I started cursing him to the moon and back.

"Are you effing kidding me you son of a drunk old hag?Come here you bag of dirt......I'll freaking nail your tongue to the pavement once we land....."I started cursing and chasing him around the plane.

And that's how rest of the plane ride went...
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