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A/N– The story contains violence, sexuality and strong language. Only users above 18 are adviced to continue to the story.

I ran inside my house when I heard my sister and mother screaming.

I saw them both lying on the floor, curled up in the pool of their own blood, while my sperm donor kicked my mother ruthlessly. He was never a good father. Hell, he wasn't even a good human.

"Dad leave her alone!! " I screamed at him in anger. Just few more minutes and uncle William will be here with the cops, I thought.

"How dare do you order me bastard?!" He snarled at me. I sighed in relief when his attention turned towards me and he stopped kicking my mother. Though it was short lived. I felt his fist connect my jaw with brutal force. My face slammed into the ground and I felt the familiar metallic taste of blood in my mouth. Having a busted lip hurts like hell.

I laid on the ground, gritting my teeth to endure the pain of his kicks on my abdomen. Atleast my mother and sister are safe. If only I was a little stronger, I'd have protected my mother and sister from this monster.

I saw him take out his favourite pocket knife from his jacket from the corner of my swollen eyes and braced myself as I knew that I'm going to be the canvas for his 'art'.

He bent down to my level and showed me his sinister smile. I felt the knife tearing the flesh on my chest as blood started gushing out. I closed my eyes and grit my teeth to stop myself from screaming in pain. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing my scream.

I let a tear roll down on my cheek thinking that this is going to be my last day if the cops don't arrive soon.

Unknowingly a whimper escaped my busted swollen lips when his knife started going down from my chest to my abdomen tearing the flesh along the way. That's definitely going to leave a scar. Just when I thought that this was my end, police rushed inside the house through the main door, with their guns pointed towards my sperm donor.

His eyes looked shocked and angry at the same time. He quickly got up trying to escape but the cops had him pinned to the ground within seconds. I let out a breath of relief, that I didn't know I was holding.

I helped my mom and sister to the ambulance.

"I'm sorry kiddo, I'm late. You should get that wound stitched soon. " Uncle William said using the nickname he always called me. I just gave him a brief nod joined by a pained smile.

"Lio!" My friend came running towards me and gazed at my wound. His face turned worried and angry at the same time "Don't worry bro, that moron will be punished. My father will make sure of that. " He assured looking at uncle William.

I was too exhausted to reply anything. So, I just slumped next to my crying sister in the ambulance.

He's light......She's darkness.

He's  calm........ She's storm.

He's the medicine to her wounded heart...... She's the one who breaks his heart.

She's FIRE and he's ready to BURN.

This is the Story of a gentleman and Ms. Billionaire.

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