Everything Started | Chapter 1

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Y/N POV (Past this is gonna go on for three chapters)

I stayed after class to get homework done such a bummer that Pav didn't stay. I took a break to look out the window as I did I seen a little spider on the window.

I jumped back slight as I seen it, I sighed as it doesn't move, think that it was dead I went back over to the window. Suddenly, the spider crawled on my arm bitting me.

I hissed and swatted the bug off me. "Shit..." I whispered to myself, I got a napkin wiping off a bit of blood.

I sighed, grabbing my bag and putting everything back in the bag, as I started to walk back home for the day.

When I got home your mom greeted me with a hug. "Where have you been?" She asked as she squeezed me in a hug crushing everything in my body.

"I... Was... Out..." I said slowly as I tried to breathe. She then let go, looking at you confusedly.

"Donde estás con tu amigo otra vez, es un chico tan agradable."(What she said:Where you with your friend again, he's such a nice boy.) She said with a smirk nudging me a bit.

"Mama! No... I wasn't." I said loudly, shaking my hands in front of me as my face got a bit warm.

"Then why where you gone for so long?" She asked tilting her head slightly.

My mom spoke Spanish normally but I'm starting to lose some of my Spanish ever since we moved to India. Sometimes she even has like broken English so it's kinda funny.

I didn't know much Spanish but I learned from my mother when I was little but my father normally spoke English so I lost some of my Spanish over the years but I still know what she's saying.

"Just had to finish up on some homework, that's all." I said as I slowly went to my room.

"Where are you going? Dinner is almost ready." She said as she watched me walk away from her.

"I don't think I'm hungry today, I was up all day so I think I'll head to bed." I said rushing into my room and closed the door behind me. I lied to her, I didn't feel good. My eyes burned like hell!

I got in bed closing my eyes trying to ease the burning sensation in my eyes as I did I slowly drift off into a long sleep.


I woke up to something falling to the floor, it was just my mirror, it's all good. I got out of bed rubbing my eyes and grabbed the mirror.

I quickly dropped it about to scream as I seen what was in the mirror... Was I going crazy?!

I pick up the mirror once more seeing the same thing. At the bottom of my eyes where little eyes that where green colored.

"What the fuck-" I said to myself as I touched them and when I touched it I closed my eyes quickly. That really does feel weird? I looked like a spider or something... But spiders have six eyes not four.

I kept my eyes closed but I could still see but I could see through my walls confusingly. I opened my eyes as did I couldn't see though the walls anymore.

"Huh?" I hummed as I repeatly did this not believe it. How was I gonna go to school like this?!

I went in my draw thinking about putting band-aids on them but that would be stupid. I can still feel from these eyes so it would bother me.

Oh! Maybe I could as Pavitr'e friend for help... He has these friends for different dimensions and I think it's really cool. He said there like spider people like him but I never met any of them but one... Hobie.

He was also cool we are friends but he doesn't come around much.

I grabbed my phone locking my door as I sent a message to Hobie.

Suddenly, there was a knock at my window and it was Hobie... He's pretty quick to be honest.

I opened it and as he came in he looked at me confused. "You going for a new style or what?"

"No, I woke up like this. It's something wrong with me and I don't know what do do with them!" I whisper yelled at Hobie

"Hm? Do this for me." Hobie said as he shot a web at the wall.

"Uh, I don't think I can do that." I said.

"No, no, trust me. Just do it." Hobie said patting my shoulder.

I did as he said and a web shot out from my hands. "Oh shit!" I said a bit loud, I covered my mouth looking at him confused but surprised.

"What happened to you yesterday?" Hobie said with a smirk.

"Well, yesterday a spider bit me so I think that I got 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 from it." I said as I walked around my room mumbling to myself.

"Most likely... I have to tell you, your the new Spider-Woman, that has four eyes... Hm?" Hobie said.

"What! I couldn't be maybe it just looks like that." I said as I started to pass around my room.

"Okay, don't freak out it's not that bad, just cover it with stickers or something." Hobie said with a shrug and went to sit on my bed.

"What do you mean 'not that bad' and 'put sticker on' like I just-" I started but it was another knock at my door.

Oh shit, it's mom she's awake already! Was I that loud?

"Uh, Hide or something. She's definitely going to think your like my boyfriend or something and gush over you for weeks." I said and grabbed a blanket to cover the eye.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind-" Hobie said with a smirk but then I hit him on the head lightly.

"No. Now, go back out the window it's better, just stay there till I tell you to come back in." I said as I pushed him over to the window opening it as there was another knock at the door.

"Y/n, are you awake?" My mom said as she tried opening the door.

I quickly got the door and once I did my mom plucked me in the head.

"Ow! Mama, what did I do?" I said as rubbed it slightly.

"You're about to be late for escuela!" My mom said referringto school. Shit, gotta make this quick.

"Okay, just give me a minute to get dressed." I said as I closed the door and as I did I heard my mom really clearly walk away from the door.

Hobie comes back in the window with a smile. "Should I teach you how to get there faster?"

"Fine, but only if you promise I won't fall to my death." I say as I grabbed my hoodie on and putting the hood on.

"I won't kill you. But I think you should at least learn." I going on window banister.


After a few minutes Hobie taught me how to shot webs and mostly swing to place to place. And after awhile I kinda got the hang of it and it was actually fun.

"See you got it. Now, if you don't go to school." Hobie said as he landed on someone's roof.

"What! Your the one who wanted to teach me how to do this." I said as I waved goodbye to him and left for school.

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