Tell | Chapter 18

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Pavitr and I were walking down the hallway of our school as people went past us and the day went on.

But I did feel kind of weird today, everyone was looking at me like I was different or something. Like, they knew something that I didn't.

It was pretty weird but I tried to brush it off and just talk to Pavitr.

"Uh, you okay? You haven't said anything in a while..." Pavitr asked as he put his arm around me.

"Yeah, just think about something." I chucked as I have him a small smile.

"What where you thinking about-" Pavitr started but got cut off by the loud speaker and someones voice went through.

"Pavitr Prabhaker, please come to the main office. Pavitr Prabhaker, please come to the main office." They said in a stearn voice as Pavitr looked at me a bit worried.

"Do you think I'm in trouble?" Pavitr asked.

"All depends on what you did? Did you do anything today!" I asked as I took his arm off me.

"Well, I don't think I did..." Pavitr said as he seemed a bit unsure. "I'll still go see what he wanted."

"Okay, I'll see you next period." I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek, he gave he a small smile then he walked away.

I watched him as he disappeared around the corner and was out of my view. Then, someone tapped my shoulder, making me jump and turn to them.

"Y/n... I told you to watch you back." Jay said as he gave me one of the most creepiest smiles I have ever seen.

"What the fuck Jay!" I yelled as I looked around but it wasn't anyone around anymore, what happened to everyone?

"Y/n we told you that we knew something, but you never listened." Jay laughed as he pulled out his phone showing me a video.

"Y/n L/n is Spider-Woman!" The person yelled... This was on live TV?! It showed a picture of me and I froze.

"Well, Y/n... You seem all shooken up? What's wrong?" Jay said as he turned off his phone and put it back in his pocket.

"I-" I had nothing to say... What was I going to do! How would I even live now?!

"Mate, I don't think that was your business to know any of that." Someone said as they walked over to us.

I know that British accent! Hobie!! He's kinda late but I'll still give him credit for saving me in this moment.

"Come on, Y/n, you don't talk to idiots." Hobie said as he ushered he to the exit of the school

"Where are we going." I asked as I looked behind to see Jay just looking at up in disbelief.

"Away from people, well we need to get you away from people for awhile." Hobie said with a shrug. "Miguel told me to get you out of this dimension for awhile."

"So I'm just leaving my mom and everyone else." I asked in disbelief as I stopped.

"Well, it's can't be helped." Hobie said as he turned to me. "Would... Would you rather lose someone instead?"

Hobie seemed like he didn't want to talk about that subject so he just quickly got off of it and kept moving.

What did he mean by that?

"So are we going to Miguel or another dimension?" I asked as I catched up with him.

"Yeah, Miguel said that he wanted you to stay there till some people forget about it and move on, or what ever he said. I wasn't really paying attention." Hobie said as he shrugged once more and tapped some things on his watch.

"You never listen to Miguel..." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, he be talking bullshit all that time." Hobie said as the portal opened. "Now, get in or I'm leaving."

"Okay, okay. Fine." I said as I walked into the portal.

I covered my eyes from the bright light and once the light was sout of my face I blinked and looked around to be in Miguel's office, I don't remember ever just appearing her normally we get on an elevator and everything.

"Hey Miguel!!" I said as I waved over to him and he sighed loudly in a annoyance.

"You really give me a headache." Miguel said as he turned to us as he shook his head in disappointment.

"Well, hey. You called me so that's your fault." I shrugged as I went over to him. "You know, I never knew you cared about me! That's sooooo nice of you."

"I don't!" Miguel said loudly then sighed as he calmed down. "Nevermind, I just need you to stay here while we handle this little problem."

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Where going to handle your situation then you can go back to your dimension." Miguel said as he rolled his eyes. "Come on, Hobie."

Hobie shrugged and followed him into the portal. And now I was all alone with my thoughts and stuff like that.

It was really boring without anyone to talk to...


I stood from the ground as I heard a portal open I looked over to the Miguel holding onto Pavitr.

"Listen, I know-" Miguel started as he Instantly shut up once he saw me.

"Y/n!" Pavitr said as he went over to me and hugged me tightly.

"What happened, did you fix everything like you said?" I asked as I held Pavitr.

"Not everything, we need Pavitr to agree to what the task is." Miguel said as he walked over to his multiple computers.

"What's the task." I asked.

"Well, to move this on. Pavitr has to forget whatever he had with you and start all over. Because he physically knows what you are." Miguel explained.

"Why? That would mean..." I started but I didn't even want to say that. "Why do you have to do that? Why do we have to start all over?!"

"I don't know! Okay, I just need to do the test and then you both will have to re-make that connection." Miguel said in a stearn tone.

"Can I at least spend a few days together..." I asked as I tried to hold in my tears.

"All I can give you is one day, Y/n..." Miguel said as he didn't even look at me.

"Okay... Come on, Pavitr."

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