New Suit | Chapter 3

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"So you got food in this place?" I asked as I leaned on the chair bored out of my mind.

"No." Miguel said for the twentieth time today.

"Jeez, do you not wanna talk to me anymore?" I asked as I sat up and went over to him.

"No, not really. Your suit is almost done so you can leave soon, if you're so hungry." He said with a shrug.

"I got another question." I said as I sat on the end on his desk.

"What?" Miguel sighed throwing an apple over to me making my head hurt once more because of the intense senses.

"Can you stop doing that, I just told you it makes my head hurt!" I wined and grabbed the apple before it hit me.

"I know what it does, that's why I did it. But anyways, what was your question." Miguel said as a smile spreads across his face.

"Did you have... Someone before?" I asked looking down fiddling with my fingers.

"Do you mean like a partner?" Miguel asked looking over to me.

"Yeah, have you ever been in love like that?" I asked as I fiddled with my fingers.

"Yeah, once... But what about it?" Miguel asked as he went over to a close and got out a suit that was light green, purple and blue.

"Well, I think- Is that my suit!?" I said jumping for joy as I ran over to him.

"Yeah, don't get it dirty, don't let anyone see it, okay?" Miguel said handing it over to me. "Now put it on in the room, so you can keep talking about this partner thing."

I nodded and ran over to the room and started to change into the suit. "Anyways I think I like Pav but he clearly likes someone else but they don't even like him back, it's really sad to see his face every time he gets rejected by that same girl."

"I think I understand what you're saying." Miguel said a bit loud so I could hear.

"But, I don't wanna love him. You know?" I said as I put on the mask and looked at myself in the mirror.

"So what I hear is that you like Pavitr but he likes someone else and you don't want him to get hurt anymore so you want him to be with someone else, which your saying you want him to be with you?" Miguel asked as I came out of the room going over to him.

"No! You make me sound selfish, I do have feelings for Pav but I don't even think he likes me in that way..." I said with a shrug.

"Well, you have been talking to me about this for a few days now, so, go talk to him about it-" Miguel says but got cut off by a door opening really loudly.

"Talk to who about what?" Pavitr says as he walks in with a smile.

I went over to him with a smile as I hugged him. I haven't seen him in awhile, he was probably out there saving people.

"I missed you." I said as I hugged him tightly and he did the same, it was kinda our thing.

"I missed you too, your mom thinks you're dead so you should come back soon." Pavitr said.

"Really?! Miguel! You said I wasn't gone for that long..." I said as I turned to him.

"Well, why would I tell you what time it was in your dimension?" Miguel said with a shrug. "You should at least thank me for the good suit."

"Thanks but I need to go back now. It was fun hanging with you!" I said as I walked out holding Pavitr's hand.

I hit some buttons on my watch making the portal open. See, Miguel said mine was special. The normal portal colors were orange and stuff but mine was a light green and it looked really cool.

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