Pretty Lights | Chapter 8

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"Are we almost there?" I asked as Pavitr held my hands up some stairs.

"Almost, but still trying to watch your step." Pavitr said.

"I can't watch my step! My eyes are closed." I said loudly.

Pavitr told me to close my eyes before we went upstairs, he said that he wanted to be romantic and stuff but I didn't want to fall. But I didn't fall yet so I trust him.

"Okay, where here!" Pavitr said. I heard him open a door and made me walk though.

"Can I open my eyes now?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Pavitr said excitedly letting go of my hands and standing beside me.

Once I opened my eyes I was almost blinded by the bright light that was from the buildings that still had their lights still on. It looked beautiful!

"What do you think?" Pavitr asked with a nervous smile.

"Yeah, I love it!" I said hugging him softly. I then let go going over to the edge of the roof that we were on looking at all the lights. "It's a roof of course I love it."

"Oh, I'm glad you do... I didn't think you would." Pavitr said with a sigh of relief.

"If I love you, of course I'll love this!" I said giving him another smile before I looked back at everything.

"I also have something for you." Pavitr said grabbing a bag and handing it to me.

I tilted my head slightly and sat down to examine the bag. Once I opened it it was a small cat inside and it was so adorable!!

[The cat isn't real but here's what it looks like!]

[So cute right!!! I loved it when I was looking for things to show you all

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[So cute right!!! I loved it when I was looking for things to show you all...]

"Aww! It's cute... Thank you." I smiled and hugged him once more, then gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm kinda mad that you got me things and I didn't get you anything..."

"No, I think since I'm your boyfriend I should get you something." Pavitr said like it was simple.

"But that's not fair and that's not how it works?!" I said with a frown. "I'm getting you something next time."

"What ever you say." Pavitr said rolling his eyes not believing me one bit.

"I'm not bluffing Pavitr!" I said pointing a finger at him telling him that I was serious.

"Okay... I also brought games we could play, and food." Pavitr said putting up his bag to show me.

"Cool, what kind of games." I asked looking into the bag

"Board games and some card games?" Pavitr said with a shrug.

"Okay, how about we play a quick game then we eat something?" I said looking over at him.

"I'm okay with that." Pavitr said.


After all the games he brought.

"How are you so good at these games?!" Pavitr asked with a pout.

"I don't know? I just feel in a winning mood you know?" I said with a shrug. "You beat me in a few games though!"

"But you just beat me in uno?! How can you lose uno!" Pavitr said basically yelling at himself.

I sighed and sat in front of him and held him cheeks in my palms. "You don't have to be mad, we can play again after!"

"But-" Pavitr started but I cut him off.

"No, we can play after we eat... I'm not going anywhere, love." I said with a smile as looked in the bag to see what he bought.

Hell yeah! He got my {Favorite Food}, how did even have time to get this? He said when got home he didn't leave...

"How did you get these?!" I asked pointing to the treat and handed him one.

"Oh, like I said before I didn't leave sooo I asked Auntie Maya to make it for me!" Pavitr said happily.

"Really? I know this is gonna be good then!" I said and started to eat it and it was definitely delicious! "Mm!"

"I knew that it was your favorite food, so I asked her if she knew how to make it." Pavitr explained.

"Well, I'm glad she said know!" I said happily as I munched on the food.

After I was done, I laid back looking up at the sky and it looked beautiful, there were stars in the sky today and it looked so pretty...

Pavitr laid beside me and looked at the sky with me. I gabbed him hand and squeezed it slightly. "Thank you... You know, for today and everything..."

"No problem, I really just wanted our first date to be nice that's all." Pavitr said with a smile.

"I think this was a nice date, especially for our first date." I sighed and looked over to him.

"Really?" Pavitr asked as he faced me.

"Mhm..." I hummed leaning towards him.

"It's your first date? I'm so proud of you both!" Someone said as they said happily.

We both back up from each other with a blush as we look over to see Hobie. He looked really happy to know that information.

"Hobie! What are you doing here?" I asked sitting up to look at him.

"Well, I was checking on everyone recently so I decided to stop by and say hi to you both." Hobie said with a small smirk.

"I thought you didn't believe in consistency?" I asked tilting my head a bit.

"When did I say that?" Hobie said brushing off the question and stood up to sit in between us.

"Oh, now you don't remember saying that or what?" I said shaking my head.

Hobie started to talk to Pavitr about something so I just sat there listening to the conversation.

You know he always does this whenever we did try to have a date, he was just always wanting to hang out with us on the days when we wanted to be together.

Of course I didn't have a problem with it but I would like most of the time for me and Pavitr to be alone? I guess, that's what I'm trying to say.

"Hey, Y/n! Don't you have to go home soon?" Pavitr asked.

"Yeah, but I'll leave soon." I said with a sigh.

"It's okay, I'll walk you home!" Pavitr said getting up and grabbed my hand to get me to stand. "Hobie is also going home, so we should just all go."

I shrugged. "If you say so." I said and Pavitr held my hand as we went back down the steps to go back to my house.

I truly did love this night... It was fun for my first date.

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