She Knows | Chapter 16

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"So where is she again?!" I asked Miguel as Pavitr and I hopped on different buildings to get where we had to go.

"Do you not listen to direct order or what?" Miguel asked in an angered tone.

"I do! I just didn't hear you because all of the bullshit you speak." I said as Pavitr hit my arm slightly telling me to stop.

I rolled my eyes as I looked ahead of us to see a fire going on. "Nevermind, we found it!"

I turned off my watch and once I looked up once more I was shot out the air by someone grabbing onto me and pinning me to the floor.

I opened my eyes to see a figure with a dark blue mask, they breathed heavily as they looked down at me.

"Oh lovely surprise for Spider-Woman to drop in!" They laughed at me as they brought something out of there pocket.

I sqinted my eyes as I looked at the thing in there hand. It was a needle with some kind of purple liquid in it, could be deadly I need to do something.

I quickly brought my arm up and grabbed there jacket bringing them to the floor quickly as I flipped myself up and looked down at them.

"I don't do so well with needles, sorry." I shrugged and quickly got out of there and shot a web to look for Pavitr.

"Y/n there you are." Someone grabbed my arm as I was brought into a building.

I flipped them onto the floor and once I did I looked down to see Pavitr groaning in pain.

"Oh- sorry Pav, I'm so sorry." I said and I got him to his feet once more. "I didn't know it was you."

"That was a good flip." Pavitr hissed as he rubbed his back for some kind of comfort.

"Thanks... But really what the hell happened to you? I was about to get poisoned or something." I said as I tried to demonstrate with my hands.

"I didn't see? That's why I stopped to look for you. But I couldn't find you." Pavitr said as he gave me a confused look.

My senses went off and it hurt my head badly. I pushed Pavitr out of the way quick as I jumped back.

I grabbed the object that was coming at us, I felt something sharp scrap my hand and it hurt for a bit but I got used to it after a while.

"You know, I knew you both where a bit suspicious." Someone said as they clapped and came out of the darkness.

The same person that had the dark blue mask, I think he was actually trying to kill up.

I looking in my hand to see a sharp knife in my hand, if my senses didn't work this time this could have hit Pavitr.

"Who the hell are you?!" I asked as I dropped the thing to the floor.

"Oh, can't you tell Spider-Woman.. Or should I say Y/n?" They said as they laughed to themselves.

My eyes widen as I look at them confused and shocked.

"Oh you seemed shocked? Do you not know me." They slowly took off there mask to reveal there face.

It was Stace!?

"What the hell?!" I grabbed Pavitr's arm about to go out the window to go near the fire that was still burning in front of us.

"Y/n!" She yelled over to us as I turned to her. "Remember... I know 𝑦𝑜𝑢 more." She said with a wide smile as I went out the window.

We went over to the window and went over to the building and sat on the top to see better of the fire and the whole building.

"Can you use you other eyes?" Pavitr asked as he still held onto me.

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