It's Okay | Chapter 5

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We have been sitting in Pavitr's room for awhile and Stace was blabbing on and on about something. At this point Pav looked bored it definitely was a sight to see.

Pavitr never acts like this, she must be draining his body from the inside of how much she talks.

"Hey, Y/n are you not dating... Pavitr?" She asked turning to me as I looked at Pavitr, he just shrugged also a bit confused. Then back to Stace.

"Uh, yeah, but I don't get why that's your business?"

"No need to be rude... It was a question, did you know that when me and Pavi were little I used to like him?" She said blinking a few times, waiting for my response a bit.

"No... He never told me about you a day in my life so what does this have to do with now? Do you still like him?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

"Well, no. It's just that this whole time, Pavitr hasn't even given you a hug? How do you feel." She said giving me a sad tone to try and make me feel bad in a way.

"Okay? What does this have to do with me..." I asked again.

"Well, all I'm saying is... He gives me more attention than he ever will with you." She said in a teasing tone.

Who does she think she is?! Why does she want me to be jealous of her so bad!

"Have Stace! How about you go home for the day. You have a big day tomorrow." Pavitr said jumping into the conversation before I could even say anything else.

"Yeah, after all I am going to your school for this semester." She said giving me a smile then looking back at Pavitr.

This bitch is going to our school?! What the hell? Why does she even have to be here?? I still don't know who or where this girl has come from!

Maya said that she was staying for a bit? Why is she staying the whole school year?! This is gonna be annoying.

"Oh, I'll walk you out too." Pavitr said getting up and walking Stace out of his room and into the front door.

As they left I felt like I could actually hear and breathe, she was getting on every nerve in my system!

I get up from the floor and go out the window just sitting there for a moment.

"Hey, uh, Y/n..." Someone said from behind me I slightly jumped and looked behind me to see Pavitr.

"What do you want?" I said but I didn't want it to actually sound like 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡, it sounded like I hated him or something...

"Uh, I'm sorry for ignoring you for a while." Pavitr said looking down in guilt.

"It's fine I guess, but why did you ignore me?" I asked jumping from the window and back into his room.

"Well, when I went on the mission that Miguel sent me on, he might have told me to not tell you what was on the mission... So since I can't keep my mouth shut I just ignored you for a bit..." Pavitr said as he looked up at me with the most genuine smile ever... He knows he could get away with that smile anytime.

"So? What about that girl?" I asked.

"Listen, she is my friend but ever since she told me that she liked me on my way here and I told her that I already had someone... She kinda just tried to make you mad, I don't think it worked though." Pavitr explained as he shrugged.

So it was on purpose?! I'm definitely gonna hate this school year. Fucking hell!

"Yeah, didn't faze me." I said with a fake smile to make him feel a bit relaxed.

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