Watching | chapter 15

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"Y/n, you're gonna be fine! Just calm down." Gayatri said as she rolled her eyes.

"Maybe I could sit somewhere else today?" I said nervously as I stood near the door.

"Fineeee, just tell the teacher before we go in." Gayatri said as she walked into class without me.

I stood outside the classroom as I breathed in and out for a couple of minutes.

"Hey! Y/n, can we talk?" Someone called out to me as I turned I seen that it was HIM?!

I can't talk to Jay! He's definitely going to do that thing again and it's gonna be sooooo bad. I can't deal with that.

I quickly walked into the class and closed the door behind me so he couldn't get to me as fast. I went over to the teachers desk.

"Good morning, I was wondering if we could talk about something..." I asked as I walked over to him.

"Yeah, make it quick. Class is about to start." He answered as he gave me a deadpanned expression.

"Well, I was wondering if I could sit somewhere else for the time being..." I said as I tried to act casual.

"Okay, if you say so... Just make sure you don't get distracted." He answered as he waved me off.

"I won't, and thanks." I said as I immediately sat something else.


I seriously hate this day. Throughout the whole class, Jay was looking at me the whole time and it's making me so uncomfortable.

I tried to get away from him but he still followed where I was and it was super weird...

I got my phone out of my pocket and texted my mom to pick me up today. She didn't mind because she knew what happened and she offered it in the first place.

On my way to her car, Jay tried to walk with me in 'secret'. My mom got out of the car and grabbed my arm and brought me in the car so he could get away from me.

"You never told me he was that weird to follow you to the car..." She said as she started the car.

"I didn't know either... But he has been following me all day!" I said as I rubbed my temple.

"It's gonna be okay. Just trying to ignore him the best way you can or... Just tell him to his face what you think?" She announced, with a small smile.

"You know I might actually just do that..." I answered.


Once I got into school Pavitr was waiting for me at the gate with a big smile.

"So, what's the plan?" Pavitr asked a bit confusedly.

"Well, if he follows me I just have to tell him what I really think about him." I answered with a shrug.

"Are you sure this would work?" Pavitr asked unsurely.

"Yeah, when my mom says it. Most of the time it's a good idea...?" I shrugged once again as I walked over to my class. "Wish me luck."

"Yeah, I will." Pavitr said as he waved goodbye to me and walked away.

I walked into class confidently as I went to my new seat from yesterday. I didn't want to just sit around and let him think that I'm scared of him or something.

So today is the day this comes to a stop.

Jay walked into class and went straight to my desk with a devilish grin as he looked down at me.

"I know who you are Y/n... You can't act for so long. People will know...." Jay said as he quickly walked away from me and went to his desk.

What the fuck... What did he even mean by that? I might have to talk to Pavitr about this later.


I walked back and forth around my room as I mumbled to myself.

"So, you said that he just walked up to you and said that?" Pavitr asked for the hundredth time.

"Yes! It was so weird. What does he mean by he knows 'who I am' what does that mean." I said as I groaned loudly.

"Maybe he knew you before he came here? Like, to the school" Pavitr said with a shrug.

"But didn't he come with Stacey?" I asked as I turned to him.

"Maybe...? I didn't even know she had a brother when we where friends." Pavitr said as he was even confused with himself.

"So, she never had a brother andyou say he probably knew me?" I answered as I sat next to him on the bed. "It's kinda not adding up?!"

"I know it's not!" Pavitr said a bit loud. "Wait! Maybe he knows something that we both know..."

"Like what?" I asked as I tilted my head.

"Maybe your eyes... Or... Something else?" Pavitr said as if he was trying to get at something.

"But how would he even know that?!" I asked as I stood up again and looked at him.

"I don't know! I don't know, but the eyes are kinda a give away." Pavitr said with a shrug.

"Your right..." I said as I gave up on basically everything. "What do I even do about that!"

"Maybe-" Pavitr started but out watchs started to go off.

"Damit!" I cussed under my breath quickly.

Why do we do this... I wish I didn't get bit by that damn spider!

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