Let Me Help! | Chapter 9

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Pavitr and I were in my room watching tiktoks on my phone. But Pavitr wasn't really watching her I think he was so comfortable on my lap that he was falling asleep.

I was getting pretty bored at this point I put down my phone and shook Pav slightly. "Pavitr, can I do something with your hair?"

"Huh? I don't feel like it..." Pavitr groaned and complained.

"Come on it will be fun!" I said grabbing his hand.

"Fine..." He said loudly sitting up with sleepy eyes he looked over at me.

I got out of my bed so I could grab some scrunchies. So I could style his hair.

"How about I can style your hair after?" Pavitr asked rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Sure! Where supposed to be having fun right now..." I said with a pout and went back on the bed sitting in front of him once more.

"Do, mess up my hair to much." Pavitr said in a worried tone.

"Your hair will never mess up for some reason?" I said with a confident smile.

"Your right, but I'm just saying..." Pavitr said trying to be serious.

"Okay, shhh. Let me do my magic!" I said and grabbing some of his hair and made a little ponytail. "Oh! This is gonna be so cute."

"I hope it does." Pavitr said with a smile like he was trying to hop for the best.

Once I put in the last ponytail, it was definitely perfect and I loved it. I got back out of bed and gave him a mirror. "I like it, what about you?"

"I actually like it... In a way." Pavitr said smiling a bit.

"Oh my god!!! You look so cute!" I said loudly putting my hands on his cheek and kissing his nose.

"Can I do your hair now?" Pavitr asked with a slight blush on his face.

"Yeah, sure." I sat back down as he started to do my hair. "Love, I made you look so cute. Don't do me dirty."

"I won't, I won't. I'm a master at this." Pavitr said with a smile that looked so scary and definitely unsafe.

"You know, after we should do there little face mask things I heard they feel nice." I said with a shrug.

"You just have some?" Pavitr asked looking down at me for a moment.

"Yeah, I have been waiting for you!" I said and hugged him.

"You bought them just so we could do them together?" Pavitr asked and laughed, hugging me back.

"What can I say? I just love you that much." I said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm done. Here." Pavitr handed me the mirror and my hair was braided on the side and into a bun.

"I love it! I didn't even know you knew how to braid?" I said happily.

"I used to do it when I was little." Pavitr said with a shrug.

"Ohhh, Okay, let me get the face masks." I said happily and went to go get the face masks.

Once I put on the face mask it was really cold and slimy. I have it to Pavitr and he was definitely trying his best to put it on his face.

"No, that's not how you put it on." I said laughing a bit trying to help.

"I got it." Pavitr said pushing my hands away a bit.

"Come on, let me help." I said as he gave up and let me help him.

"I could have did it." Pav said pouting a bit and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, you where definitely doing it right. So I didn't need to help you." I said sarcastically.

"Okay, you didn't have to say it like that." Pavitr said.

"I didn't say it like anything." I said rolling my eyes at his comment.

"You said it like you didn't mean it in any way!" Pavitr said pinning me to the bed. "Say sorry."

"No! I don't regret anything!" I yelled as I laughed.

"Come on, just say sorry-" Pavitr said as he kissed me all over my face but was cut off by the door opening.

My mom stood in the door way with a smirk. "Oh, I didn't know you both where dating that long." She said snickering to herself.

"Mom, why do you do this to me?" I asked pushing off Pavitr a bit.

"I'm not doing anything, I just heard screaming so I came over to see if you both are okay... And, I can definitely tell that your okay." She said smiling once more.

"Oh my god, stop making inappropriate jokes." I said as my face got warm. I pushed her out of the door way, closing my door.

"Uh... Anyways, can I take off this face mask. Kinda burns now?" Pavitr said taking it off.

"Oh, yeah, sorry I forgot to tell you when to actually take it off." I said looking at the bag that had the instructions on it and it said taking it off after 20 minutes, it's been like 30?

"Now, my face feels cold again..." Pavitr said wiping off his face a bit.

"Yeah mines too. You think maybe because we had it on for too long?" I asked.

"Probably...? I don't know." Pavitr said with a shrug and layed on the bed probably going back to sleep.

"Your just gonna go back to sleep?" I asked going over to him trying to open his eyes.

"Yeah, you woke me up so I'm gonna do what I was going to do before." Pavitr said and turned away from me.

"Your no fun..." I said with a pout. "That's why your not getting no kisses for a week."

"What? What did I do! I'm sorry!" Pavitr said shooting up and looking at me in disbelief.

"No, you didn't want to do more fun things with me." I said crossing my arms.

"Come on, I said I was sorry?" Pavitr argued.

"I don't forgive you..." I said turning away from him.

He will get over it, and plus he's to cute to not forgive. I'm just joking with him anyways.

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