Don't Do That!! | Chapter 17

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"Pavitr, could you get a straw?" I asked as I pointed over to a table.

"Do you have to pay for those to? I feel like you have to pay for everything in this store." Pavitr complained as he went over to get the straws for us.

He came back over to me and handed me a straw, I gave him a kiss on the cheek as he smiled a bit. I sipped on my drink as Pavitr pointed to it.

"What is this again?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, this is called boba, I used to drink it a lot before we moved here but now I know that it's one here I can come here now!" I answered with a small smile.

Then, my watch started to go off. "Come on, it's probably Miguel..." I grabbed his hand as I went outside the shop. I answered and Peter showed up.

"Peter?!" I asked loudly and Pavitr had the same reaction.

"Hey, Miguel said I would call you at this time." Peter said with a nervous look.

"Damn does he think I'm just lazy at this time?" I asked under my breath as I turned to Pavitr for an answer.

"Are you not lazy at this time?" Pavitr asked.

"Wowwww! I thought I was going to get a better answer from you." I said sarcastically as I wiped a imaginary tear from my face.

"Actually, sometimes we hang out at this time." Pavitr announced with a smile trying to make it better.

I laughed slightly. "Yeah, basically we hangout every day." I said as I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, Peter what did you need?"

"Well, I wondering if you could watch Mayday for me. Miguel said he wants me to go on a mission and my wife said I couldn't bring her on this one..." Peter said with a kind of pleading tone.

"Yeah we'll watch her, she couldn't be that bad." I answered as I rolled my eyes.


"Why the hell can she stick to walls?!" I asked loudly as I grabbed her from the wall as she laughed.

"I guess because she's like Spider-Man daughter I don't really know but she's adorable!!" Pavitr squealed as he took her from my hands.

"I know but she sure is a handful." I answered as I patted her head.

"Hobie!" She said loudly as she giggled.

"Wow, she must be a big fan of him?" I said in a bit of a surprised tone.

"I heard that they where good friends even if she's a child." Pavitr said with a shrug.

"How much you wanna bet that when she grows up she'll be just like him?" I said with a competitive smile.

"Well, I think the same so what are we betting on?" Pavitr asked.

"Hmm... You got a point..." I sighed as I looked down at his hands to see that Mayday was gone?!

I turned around to see Mayday hanging from a web upsidedown. "Mayday, don't do that. I thought that I lost you."

She giggled as she let go of the web and started to fall, I quickly catched her. She seemed to be more talented at shooting webs than me, damn...

"Okay, I think Peter said to take her to the park when she started to do that." Pavitr said as he pointed to his phone.

"He sent you a list?! Why didn't I get a list?" I asked with a dumfounded expression.

"It's okay, maybe he'll give you a list when we watch her next time." Pavitr said as he shrugged. "Okay, all we have to do is watch her like a hawk and don't let her out of our sight."

I nodded and handed Mayday over to him. "Got it."


"Again, again!" Mayday laughed as she went to the top of the slide again.

"Okay, one more time." I sighed as she pushed herself down the slide once more.

I caught her by her feet, I slowly put her down to the floor once I caught her. She flipped over and landed on her feet but she fell on her butt and giggled.

"I know it wasn't like the other times but my arms are tired and plus I think I ran out of webs." I said as I sighed. I don't think I can really run out of webs but I just said that so we would keep doing it over and over.

"Y/n!" Mayday said happily as she put her arms up to me asking for me to pick her up.

"I didn't even know you knew my name." I smiled and picked her up. She was so cute!!! "Okay! I think we need to start getting you back to your dad."

Pavitr walked over to us as he gave me a sad look. "Where leaving so soon."

"Yeah? Why do you look so sad?" I asked as he pointed over to the swing set.

"I was on the swings..." He said with a pout.

"Come on, we will. Come back next time." I smiled as I patted him on the head and Mayday did the same. "Okay, let's go!"

I grabbed Pavitr's hand and we walked out of the park.


While we were walking back, Pavitr and I were talking about random stuff.

Then, Someone grabbed my arm making me stop but also making Pavitr stop and look at them.

It was Jay.

I didn't say anything all I did was look at him ready to do anything if he tried something.

"Y/n... Watch yourself tomorrow..." Jay said as he let go of my arm, all he did was stand there and smile. I don't know why but that gave me chills down my spine.

Mayday had an angered expression. She quickly put her arm up and shot a web at his eyes.

Oh shit! I grabbed Pavitr's arm as we ran off to just get out of this bad situation. But it was kinda funny what Mayday did, I think she kinda saved my ass in some way.

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