Touchy | Chapter 4

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Y/N POV (Now! Or currently)

This was my last class of the day and I went to the "bathroom" like ten times and my teacher just told me I couldn't use it anymore for the day.

I didn't really go, it's just that my senses kept going off and I had to go. I saw Pavitr every time and he didn't talk to me in a while.

Ever since he went on the last mission Miguel wanted him to go one he came back and said one thing and left. I really don't know why he is acting like this... I wanted to ask him but he would just ignore me and say it's nothing.

I groaned as I put my head down on the desk trying to block everything out of my ears.

"What is wrong with you?" My best friend, Zeem, asked as I looked up at them slightly.

"Pavitr, is ignoring me and it's kinda bothering me for like the past four days now... It's just not like him." I said and put my head back into my arms.

"Well, he's your boyfriend how about you ask him?" She said rolling her eyes at me.

"Do you not think I already asked him! He just ignores me or changes the subject." I sighed as the bell rang meaning we could finally leave and it was the weekend.

I stood up from the desk and left the class with Zeem, "Do you have any ideas why he might be mad at you?"

I thought for a minute and remember that one time that I barrowed Pavitr's jacket and I didn't ask but he said it was fine.

I know that Pavitr wouldn't get mad at something that little... Only if I said chai tea or something.

"I can't think of anything...?" I said as I was practical scratching my eyes out.

"Okay, try talking to him when you get home. Well, I gotta go see you on Monday!" She yelled to me as she ran out the building.

Well they where no help... I'll actually try just talking to him when I get the chance because I feel like it's so much better in some way.


I dropped my stuff off at home then went to Pavitr house afterwards.

I feel like it's best to talk to him in person so I can see his experience because I feel like it's better.

I stopped at the door knocking for a moment. Maya opened the door and smiled. "Oh- Y/n! It is truly a surprise to see you here right now..." She said awkwardly.

"Uh, do you know where Pav is... I was looking for him." I asked crossing my arms as she looked at me a bit confused.

"Well, he said that he was going out somewhere so I don't know where he is. You both are friends you should know where he could be." Maya said.

He must have not told her yet? I shouldn't say anything that could get me in even more trouble with Pavitr.

"Okay, I'll go check. And I'll come back if I can't find him-" I said but suddenly someone walked up behind me. Why didn't my senses hear them coming.

I turned to see a girl holding on Pavitr's arm with a smile... Who is she? Pav never told me about this girl?

"Oh, there he is! Well, Y/n this is Pavitr's friend from across town she is coming to visit for awhile." Maya interdused, why didn't Pavitr tell me about her before. I mean, I don't expect Pavitr to tell me everything but I would like him to tell me about this random girl.

"Hello, I'm Stace! Pavitr has told me a lot about you. How do you say my name in Spanish if you don't mind me asking?" She said putting out her hand for me to shake but I looked at her confused and desterbed.

"How- you know it's kind rude to ask people that you know?" I said not even shaking her hand back she slowly put her hand down and sighed.

"Sorry, I didn't know. Anyways! Pavitr, you told me we where gonna have dinner soon." Stace said putting her hand on his arm in a flirty way.

"Oh, Y/n since your here, you should have dinner with us. The food is almost ready so you just have to let me prepare the table." Maya said as she walked back in the house.

"Yeah, I'll help you!" I said following after her. I looked behind me to see Stace rubbing her face on his arm and it was really annoying in a way.

I rolled my eyes and looked at all the food that Maya prepared, and all I had to do was prepare the table.


I sit down in a chair as Pavitr sat next to me. This was annoyed hearing the Stace girl blabbing about everything she did in Germany.

"So, Y/n! You have been sitting there all this time not talking... What do you like to do?" Stace asked looking at me. I was totally out of it right now, she was getting on my last nerves but I need to chill it's just his friend.

"Draw." I said quickly and continued to eat.

She smiled and disided to nag me more. "Oh that's cool, what do you draw?"

"I drew Spider-man a few days ago." I said with a deadtonned face. I didn't want to intertain the conversation not one bit.

"Which one? I hear there are two Spider-Man's that live her. One is a boy and the other is a girl I think." She said putting her elbows on the table.

That was so rude in so many ways. "Both." I said slowly as she smiled.

"Cool. Do you think there dating they are a good duo!" Stace said picking up a cup of chia.

"I don't know... In a minute there not..." I said but the last part was quiet.

Pavitr nudged my shoulder slightly, as I moved over away from him. I gave him a glare and looked back at the girl.

"Btw! I love your eyeliner and the bottom eyes that you have... How did you make them?" She asked, she just doesn't shut up, huh?

"Thanks, my friend does them for me." I said and started to drink my chia.

I just lie about the eyes now, alot of people as about them because they never seen them before so I just make up new lies everytime.

"Why haven't you and Pavitr talked I thought you both where friends?" She asked with a fake sad face.

I didn't answer I just kept drinking my tea. "Okay, Stace I think that's enough questions for Y/n."

"She didn't even answer some of my questions?!" She whined crossing her arms.

"Pavi! What is wrong with her?" She said as she said in a sad tone.

Pavi!!! What the fuck?! What's wrong with me? Who does this girl think she is?

"It's nothing wrong with her? She doesn't want to answer questions anymore so deal with it Stace." Pavitr said.

"Well... I'm gonna go to bed just put your plates in the sink when your done." Maya said as she stood up and put her plate in the sink, then exiting the room.

I sighed and got up from the table and put my plate in the sink. "I'm leave, bye Pavitr. See you tomorrow." I said as I walked over to the door but before I could do anything Pavitr walks over to me.

"Why are you leaving so soon?" He asked holding the door so I wouldn't leave.

"Because I need to go?" I said.

"But I did..." Pavitr stopped and looked down for a moment.

"What?" I asked.

"Can you just stay for a few more minutes?" Pavitr asked looking back up at me.

I sighed and nodded. Pavitr took his hand off the door and he grabbed his plate putting it in the sink. Stace got up going over to him and put her plate into the sink, touching Pavitr hand on purpose.

This girl is really touchy? What is her problem? Anyways, why does he want me to stay so bad.

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