New Person? | Chapter 10

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"Y/n! Stop sleeping I can see you!" My teacher said hitting me on my head.

"Ow! I wasn't sleeping!" I said loudly sitting up to look at him.

"I have eyes, Y/n L/n!" He yelled back and pointed over to me telling me to 'not test him'

I sighed and started to pay attention once more.

The door opened loudly as a boy came with white hair, he looked pretty cool from my point of view?

Gayatri nudged me a bit pointing at him. "Is he hot or what?"

"Really Gayatri?" I asked with a deadpanned expression.

I looked around to see that everyone was definitely talking about him. Damn, did everyone like this guy or what. He just got here?!

"But still, he's still hot." She said staring at him the whole time as he just took a seat next to me. "Oh. My. God! And he's sitting next to you!" She whispered to me with a squeal.

Jeez, today might be annoying if this guy keeps being here...

"Hey, can I get a pencil?" He asked flipping his hair slightly.

"Uh, sure... You gotta give it back though." I said getting my bag and hanging him a pencil.

"Thanks." He said with a smile and turned back to the board.

What the hell? I don't know why but I really don't like this guy...


✩𝗔𝘁 𝗟𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵✩

"Hey Pavitr, did you see that new guy?" I asked as we went to a table.

"Yeah, I think everyone likes him or whatever?" Pavitr said with a shrug.

The guy came over to us, sitting next to me once again. Why does he want to be around me so much?

"Hey lovely." He said putting his arm around me. What in cringe bro?!

"Uh, Hi?" I said moving a bit away from him but he just got closer, he definitely didn't know what personal space is...

"I think you looked really hot in class... Here's your pencil back." He said putting the pencil out to me. I took it from his hands.

"Thanks...?" I said putting it in my pocket.

He smiled and looked over to Pavitr like he was a he was a virus or something. It was really weird.

I don't think they liked eachother?

"Hey?" He said to Pavitr and rolled his eyes and turned back to me.

Then, Stace came out of nowhere and sat really close to Pavitr. This bitch...

"Hey Pavi! Did I tell you that I got saved by Spider-Man yesterday?" She said in the most annoying voice ever.

"Stacey, you know him?" The guy asked looking at Stace.

"Oh, you must not have met him. So Y/n, that is Jay. He's my brother. And Pavitr that that's Jay." Stace said with a smile and got closer to him.

What is going on? I was staring daggers at Stace and Pavitr did the same to Jay.


✩𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝘆✩

I sighed laying in my bed as my mom was trying to get me out of my angry state.

"It's not that bad, maybe she was just friendly close?" She said.

"How can you be friendly close?!" I asked basically scratching my eyes out at this point.

"Well, you were also close to some. Imagine how Pavitr felt?" She said with a shrug.

"I could tell he was mad also! We both were mad?" I said and put my head into a pillow.

"Okay, so why are you mad again?" She asked tapping me slightly.

"Because why was she so close? To my boyfriend?" I asked putting the cover over my head.

"So how do you know that's how Pavitr felt? He maybe was mad because Jay was as close as Stace was to him?" She said trying to understand everything.

"Maybe... I don't think I put it like that..." I said thinking for a bit... He was literally staring daggers at him? No one just does that to a person...


"Auntie Maya, listen..." I said as she put food on my plate.

"I am, I am. I get what you're trying to say to me." She said with a smile.

"But that guy Jay... He was definitely trying to date my girlfriend, that fu-" I said but got cut off by Auntie Maya.

"Watch your language at the dinner table. I understand your anger but you don't have to cuss." Maya said putting a finger up at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." I apologized quickly as I put my hands up.

"So this Jay guy... How did he make you feel?" She asked.

"I don't know... He was just really close to Y/n, he just got here and he's already flirting with someone? And it had to be her?!" I said putting my head on the table with a sigh.

"How about you go see her and go talk to her?" She suggested with a smile.

"That's smart! Why didn't I think of that?" I got up from my chair with a smile. "Thank you Auntie." I left out the house and went to go see Y/n.


"Instead of just complaining over here to me why don't you just go talk to him yourself?" My mom asked me.

"Yeah, yeah! You're right." I said and got out of the bed and went out the front door. "Thanks mom!"

"Always here to help!" She said back with a smile. That's when I ran out the house closing the door behind me.

Once I was outside I saw Pavitr, he seemed out of breath like he ran here?

"Hi." Pavitr said with a smile.

"Hi..." I replied.

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