All Over Again| Chapter 19

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✦Next Day✦

"Here, you can give this little bit to them." Pavitr said as he put some dog food in my hands.

"Okay, I know how to feed a dog." I laughed as I crouched down in front of one on them.

The little puppy with came over to me and started licking my hands as it made it's way to the food.

"He's so cute!!" I squealed as the dog was already done eating everything.

"Yeah, I know. He's always here when I come give everyone food." Pavitr said with a shrug.

"Can I keep him!" I asked as I turned to him.

"What?! You can't keep a street dog." Pavitr said as he put for dog food in my hands.

"But he's so cute!" I said as I picked him up and brought him close to my face. He had different colored eyes it was so cute.

"Come on, Pav!" I said as I gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Where not to keep them, where just here to feed them." Pavitr said as he laughed slightly.

"I know, I know but look at him. He will be so sad if we don't take him home with up." I said as I put the puppy out to him. "I'll name him pepper and he will be our dog for as long as he or us will live!"

"Come on, we got to go back to Miguel soon so put him down." Pavitr said as he another go some food.

"You made pepper so sad!" I said as the dog just stuck its tongue like any other dog would do in that type of situation.

I guess I could just take him before we leave! I fed the rest of his puppy friends and smiled as I did so.

"You done, we could start heading back if you are." Pavitr said.

"Yeah, I guess I am." I shrugged as I picked up pepper once more as Pavitr opened the portal back to Miguel's office, I mean if you could call it that.

Miguel turned around as he must have heard the portal opened. "You two- why do you have a dog Y/n..."

Pavitr sighed as he face palmed at me holding the dog in my hands. "I told her not bring him, or at least take him."

"He was so cute not to take!" I said as I hugged pepper close.

"I- I don't even care! Can we just get on with it." Miguel said as he went over to us as he sighed. "Now, I will leave some of Pavitr's memories so he can at least remember that you two had something but I would have reset the Spider-woman inside of you."

"So I would just do everything all over again?" I asked as I tilted my head to him.

"Well, yes, you could say it's like that." Miguel answered as he nodded. "I'm not sure if it will work, but I'll try my best..."

"I really don't want to do this." Pavitr said as he looked uneasy.

"It will be okay, we'll just meet again and do it all over again." I said with a small smile trying to make it a bit better.

"Okay, I'll trust you that we will be back together again." Pavitr said as he looked like he was on the break of tears.

"Okay! It's gonna be a quick flash." Miguel announced. "Then it will send you back, but it will be okay, don't cry either!"

Miguel voice was toned out by the loud ringing and a light flash that blinded me.

I opened my eyes once more to find myself in the classroom when I got everything basically.

I looked around to see that no one was in the classroom and I was alone with my book. While I was looking around something but my hand making me flick the spider off of me.

Shit, that damn spider got me again.

I stood up and started to rub my hand. I gotta do everything all over again... Wait! It's not that far from the day that me and Pavitr actually started to go out so maybe it will be okay?!

Everything will be okay

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