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Elina had sat back and watched with delight as Janine gave Sherlock a verbal beating and with her permission whilst he was sleeping, meddled with his morphine drip

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Elina had sat back and watched with delight as Janine gave Sherlock a verbal beating and with her permission whilst he was sleeping, meddled with his morphine drip. "Was that really necessary?" Sherlock rhetorically asked in a pissed off tone. Elina sat back to cross her legs and held her arms up in surrender. "Hey, besides her having a crush on you. She made a valid point." She turned to point out. "And that is?" He prodded on leadenly. Elina cleared her throat and said it simply. "You could have been friends..."

Sherlock had installed that information before turning his head to look at her in deductional mode. "Elina Hooper, what else are you hiding?" He mumbled in an ominous voice.

This time Elina knew to what he was referring too. It was quite obvious. Tom Richards or as he's widely known as Sebastian Moran. A right hand man to the notorious mad man, James Moriarty. Someone who not only hid behind the shadows but had his own network which thinking of it only came into light a little over a year ago when one of his colleagues, known as Gollum was found dead with a cruel and twisted video uploaded to the dark web. To Elina, Sebastian Moran had shown his hand the night she had met him... He still had a branded number tattooed near to his inner wrist that wasn't completely viable due to laser surgery that also looked like something from the game hitman.

Mycroft had arrived no sooner as Janine left. He was walking into the busy run hospital like a charging bull heading towards a red flag. Sherlock could hear his brothers known Oxford brogue footsteps and he was hoping by that, that he could catch Elina out. Obviously he didn't give her enough credit. "Nice try, William." She warned in a glaring tone just as Mycroft stepped through.

He took one derisive look to Elina, in no words saying that they needed to talk before looking with a tinge of sadness and regret at his brother. The look he casted to Elina made her realise a lot in few words. It would explain to her why he had been so distant with her. She presumed that it was like he had said, work would always be his main priority but obviously in that it also meant something else he had once said, he would always protect her.

Sherlock casted a quick glance to Elina. He understood it from both perspectives; Mycroft's thorn frustration and also being on the end of it which she was on now.

Mycroft moved to sit beside his brother, ignoring the empty chair sat beside Elina and took to sit directly in eyesight to her. He leaned his umbrella beside the heart monitor and flicked a cool and calculated gaze back at Elina, as if to tell her in the harshest of ways to leave. Elina met his cool gaze with a fiery one and metaphorically stood up to him with a passionate expression in the worst of ways.

To break the awkward silence, Sherlock had curtly coughed before going to hover a hand over his recently operated torso. Mycroft and Elina looked over to him with independent concerned looks of their own before Elina became the bigger person and willingly lost a mental battle with her man and standing to leave. "I'll get some coffee." She drawled in a bored but hissing tone.

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