Will Graham

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Hannibal walks down the row of cages slowly, peering into them and looking at each hybrid. Some are cats, others are dogs or different animals. Some are in their human form while others are on all fours as their animals, calling for Hannibal to take them home.

The place is dark and cold, it smells of urine and wet dog, yet Hannibal keeps walking, dedicated to find a hybrid companion.

The man's been rather lonely lately. His therapist quit and she's left him alone with all his thoughts. The only interacting he gets is with his therapy patients or Jack Crawford and the FBI. But they aren't his friends, they all just use Hannibal for help. He wants a real friend, a trusty companion. Dr. Lecter originally told himself he would get a small house cat, but after putting more thought into it, he wants somebody he can interact with, who he can talk too, who he can make food for and take care of. A hybrid would be perfect for that.

He crosses his arms behind his back as he walks down the long narrow hall. Hannibal can't even hear his footsteps over all the howling and mewling. The pets all seem the same to Hannibal, none really stick out to him. Some have old, dirty clothes while others have none. They all are skinny and covered in bruises, some look deathly ill and are in need of serious medical attention, but Hannibal doesn't even bat an eye at them, he keeps walking to the end.

Disappointed he can't find anything, he turns around. Just as he's about to walk away, he hears a growl from the shadows. Hannibal turns his head, noticing a dark cage with a small figure hiding in the corner. He didn't see this one.

He approaches the cage and the growls grow louder. Amused, Hannibal looks at the kennel card.

William Graham.

He reads about the hybrid, discovering he's mixed with a German Shepherd. The card shares his age, his eye colour, his looks, everything. He then notices a written note on the card.

In large red letters it reads DANGEROUS.

How interesting, Hannibal thinks to himself.

The man gets closer to the cage and bends down, trying to get a better look at the hiding hybrid. That's when he spots him. The half dog, half human growls at Hannibal and bares his teeth, showing off his sharp canines. Hannibal doesn't feel intimidated at all, he feels rather bad. He stares into Will's frightful eyes and then scans over the pup. His hair is medium length and curly, two dog ears sit on top of his head, occasionally twitching. His face has some facial hair and cuts, as well as an almost healed black eye. A big bushy dog tail curls around his body as he tries to hide his small chest, making Hannibal realize how thin the poor thing is.

His legs are bare, the only source of clothing is his underwear. All over grime covers his body, telling Hannibal he hasn't showered for days, maybe even weeks.

The hybrid barks, bringing Hannibal out of his trance. Will presents aggression, but all Hannibal can see is a frightened little puppy.

He places his hands onto the bars of the cage, looking in at Will. "Tell me Will, would you like to come home with me?" Hannibal asks in a soothing voice, trying to get Will to calm down.

Will just tilts his head, but the snarl doesn't leave his face. Hannibal smiles at the hybrid, knowing he found the one he'd like to take home.

Just as he's about to get up, he hears a voice. "Whoa, careful, I'd take a step back if I were you. Damn mutt took off one of my fingers," a worker says, causing Hannibal to stand up. He walks over to the two but keeps his distance from the cage.

Hannibal stays in place and doesn't move, clearly not afraid of the 'mutt'. "Don't know why we haven't put this fucking thing down yet," he kicks the cage, causing Will to whimper before growling again. Hannibal glances down at his hand, noticing a part of his finger is missing at the knuckle.

"Good Boy, Will." •HANNIGRAM•Where stories live. Discover now