A Familiar Nightmare

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A/N I just saw that my book was set to complete- THIS STORY IS NOT COMPLETE! I'm so sorry if some of you saw that and got confused! That is totally my fault. I must've selected it on accident!

Also: the majority of this chapter is a flashback/nightmare but I will not be using the fancy font because I know for me personally I hate reading full chapters that are full of italics. So I will say when the nightmare begins and ends!

Friendly reminder about the tw's this book has. We're getting deeper into the plot so more things will start showing up.

-Milo, xoxo

Unfortunately for Will, he'll have to somehow communicate about his past or give Hannibal some sort of explanation. But at least he isn't mad at his pet.


When Hannibal and Will got home, the hybrid instantly went to hide in Hannibal's room in his kennel. It wasn't until supper time he came out nude and into the kitchen, covering his privates with his tail and extending his hand to ask for his clothes back. Hannibal gave them to him and Will disappeared for a few more minutes. They didn't talk about what happened for the rest of the night and Will fell asleep in his kennel, curled up in a ball.

Hannibal frowns as he looks down at the sleeping hybrid, wishing he knew what happened. He doesn't want to pressure him but he will get the answer eventually. He sighs before getting ready for bed.

Will rolls side to side in his sleep, whimpering as his nightmare plays inside his head, reminding him of the abuse he went through...


"I said give it, you stupid mutt!" The man yells while trying to pry the antler out of Will's mouth. The hybrid growls loudly. He hasn't ever been given a bone or any sort of toy. He found some antlers lying on the ground in the garage so he took them with his mouth and came back inside the house. His owner keeps tugging on them but Will holds on. Finally, with one hard pull, Will lets go, not wanting to risk breaking his teeth. The man successfully takes the antlers and is quick to back hand Will.

The hybrid whimpers before growling angrily and lunging forwards, taking the man's arm in his mouth. He tugs on the skin, dragging his dagger like teeth across his flesh. He can't help but enjoy the feeling of his teeth sinking into warm skin and blood dripping onto his chin. Blood oozes out of his wounds. He screams out in pain, dropping the antler on top of Will's head, causing him to whimper again and let go of the arm.

Blood drips onto the floor and the man grips at his arm, seething in pain. "You filthy little fuck! I'll kill you for that!" He screams at him.

The man approaches Will with the intent to hurt him. Will growls loudly, backing into the corner of the room on all fours. He bares his teeth and growls as viciously as he can, trying to scare off his owner and as a way to tell him he will bite him again.

Will's been abused for years now. The man's daughter wanted a hybrid so they brought Will home. She never took care of him, leaving it up to the father. Will has rules he needs to follow, ones that keep him out of trouble. Yet trouble always finds him.

"I'm not scared of you, mutt!" A hand comes down, striking Will. He lets out a yelp and ducks his head submissively. If he gives up now, his punishment can't be the worst.

He closes his eyes, waiting to get hit again. Instead he hears footsteps walking away. He opens his eyes to see his owner coming right back with a leash. Will stares at it, confused. He never gets to go on walks. He's almost filled with a sense of false hope.

"Good Boy, Will." •HANNIGRAM•Where stories live. Discover now