Recovering in The Bath

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A/N I absolutely adore everyone's comments. They are so sweet and so silly sometimes! Tysm for all the love!

Feeling safe is the best feeling in the world.


The next day Will refused to leave Hannibal's side, more than usual. When he was cooking breakfast, Will would stay on all fours, pressing himself against Hannibal's leg, staying as close to the man as he could. The only time he would leave was to go use the bathroom and after he would come running back, sliding on his knees to get back to Hannibal faster.

The same thing would happen when Hannibal was changing, making it difficult for him to take off his pants because Will had to have his body pressed against his leg. Throughout the day neither of them brought up last night.

They ate supper next to each other, shoulder to shoulder, knee to knee. Will didn't feel like eating so he picked away at his food, feeling guilty to waste such a delicious gift.

Nighttime rolls around and now Hannibal is getting ready for bed. He stands in the bathroom, facing the mirror as he brushes his teeth. Will remains in his day clothes, his eyes slipping shut as he grows tired. He leans his head against Hannibal's thigh, his ears fold down tiredly and his tail tucks securely between his legs.

Hannibal finishes brushing his teeth and looks down at the hybrid, whose eyes are closed. He gently runs a hand through Will's hair, sighing when he feels the greasy locks.

Will opens his tired eyes and looks up at Hannibal. His tail untucks and wags tiredly behind him.

"How about a bath?" Hannibal asks while sweeping Will's curls out of his eyes. The hybrid lets out a dog whine before pouting and shutting his eyes tightly. He wraps his arms around Hannibal's leg tightly and buries his head in his owners thigh, as a way of telling him no.

"You will feel better. It doesn't have to be long, we just need to clean you up. It will help you relax," he says while allowing his hand to trail down Will's head to the base of his neck, rubbing around the collar before unclipping it and pulling it off him. He places it on the counter by the sink.

Will let's out an unhappy huff. Hannibal smiles at his stubbornness and manages to drag his leg away from Will. He walks over to the tub and starts running the water.

"You like bathing, what has changed?" Hannibal asks while turning back to Will. The hybrid looks down sadly at the ground before looking back up at Hannibal and mumbling softly.

"Pardon me?" Hannibal asks, encouraging him to speak up and repeat himself. The hybrid's cheeks flush red, talking still feels weird for him. Especially after not communicating all day through words.

"Tired," Will speaks louder than before. Hannibal smiles proudly and bends down in front of Will, ruffling his curls.

"Good boy for using your words," Hannibal praises. A small smile creeps onto Will's face as he gets all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Hannibal goes back to the water and checks the tempature. Even though Will is tired, he needs to be bathed. He lets out a satisfied hum and adds bubbles to the bath, remembering that Will liked them last time.

Just as expected, Will's eyes light up again as he sees the bubbles, which help him wake up a bit more. He crawls over to the bath and sticks his hand in the water, making his tail wag at the warmth. Baths are just like warm hugs.

"Good Boy, Will." •HANNIGRAM•Where stories live. Discover now