A Call From Jack

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A/N tysm for all the votes and stuff! This book is blowing up and I really appericate all the love!

Also sorry if this chapter is a little weirder, it's all going to make sense later! Spoiler alert- we get a hint of Will's past and where he came from.

Right now he just wants to focus on the cute hybrid cuddling into his side.


Hannibal is making brunch while Will lays on the ground chewing on a squeaky toy. His legs are by his side, causing him to look like a loaf of bread. His tail wags happily as he repeatedly squeaks the toy over and over. Hannibal has to admit that he's glad to see Will so happy but the toys are beginning to become a problem.

He does his best to block out the squeaking as he cooks and he doesn't even notice the squeaking stop and the ringing coming from his phone.

Will lets out a whine and sits up, looking around, trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. Hannibal snaps back to reality and walks over to the phone, answering it.

"Hello?" Once the ringing stops, Will goes back to chewing on the toy. He approaches Hannibal, his body wiggling as his tail wags. He's able to somehow squeak the toy even louder.

Hannibal turns away from Will and covers one ear with his hand to try to listen to the person he's on the phone with. Will doesn't take the hint and forces himself through Hannibal's legs before sitting in front of him and looking up at Hannibal with large puppy eyes.

His owner places a finger over his lips to shush him. Will listens and stays in the same spot, not speaking his toy. A smile hides behind the toy as he looks up at his owner. Hannibal wishes he wasn't on the phone, Will looks so beautiful in front of him with his collar on.

"Yes, I understand," Hannibal says before letting out a loud sigh. "I'll be there soon, yes, goodbye," he hangs up the phone before leaning against the wall and rubbing his face.

"We have to go to the precinct. Jack needs me again," Hannibal hides his annoyance by speaking more monotone. Will is able to pick up on it, causing his ears to droop and his tail to stop wagging.

"Go get dressed William. I'll pack our food to go," Hannibal ruffles Will's hair before sending him away to get dressed.

Will dresses while Hannibal finishes cooking and places the food in separate containers. It's not long till the two are ready to go.

They meet at the front door and put their coats on. Hannibal looks over at the leash and mask, wondering if Will would be able to behave himself. He's been so good with leaving the house and for the most part, well mannered.

"Will, come sit," Hannibal says while turning towards Will. The hybrid crawls in front of him and sits down, giving his full attention to Hannibal.

The eye contact is strong, it's not weak like when they first met. He purposely wants to look into Hannibal's eyes, he wants to be good, he wants to listen. Seeing Will so eager to sit and listen makes Hannibal feel an odd sense of pride within himself.

"I am not going to bring your mask," he says while grabbing the leash. He crouches down to be levelled with Will. He looks into his eyes and clips the leash onto Will's collar. Their faces inches apart. "I am not bringing it to the car or anything. You will only have restriction on the leash. If you misbehave whatsoever, you will lose this privilege," Hannibal says sternly as a way to enforce his rule. Will nods his head, knowing Hannibal isn't messing around.

"You're such a good boy, I would love for you to stay that way," Hannibal stands back up. The praise makes Will bubble up on the inside and he can't help but smile and give a small tail wag. His owner smiles back and pets the top of his head.

"Good Boy, Will." •HANNIGRAM•Where stories live. Discover now