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Growing irritated, Will grabs one of his toys and starts chewing on it, imagining himself sinking his teeth into Franklyns neck and tearing him apart into pieces, just for simply annoying Hannibal.

For the rest of the day Will sat in the cage, listening to Hannibal talk to his clients. They were able to have lunch together but an hour wasn't nearly as much time as he would've liked to spend with Hannibal. Will wanted play with his toys and shake them around, he wanted to show Hannibal his favourites from the ones he brought. Maybe he would've been able to play with Hannibal too.

Hannibal has just finished up with his last client, leaving the two of them alone. As soon as the door closes, Will stands on all fours in his cage, peering out, to see Hannibal putting papers away. Will let's out a loud whine before barking, catching Hannibal's attention.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you," Hannibal reassures him. He places the papers on his desk before walking over to the ladder. He climbs up and opens Will's cage, freeing him from the small space. The hybrids tail starts swaying happily and he smiles. Will can't help but smell Hannibal's legs, sniffing the new scents from new people. He could still smell Franklyn's wine and cheese scent, making him hold back a growl.

"Yes, I know, very exciting to be out. Let's get packed up and head out," Hannibal says. Will nods and grabs one of his stuffed toys with his mouth and goes down the ladder.

Hannibal collects the others, planning on bringing different ones for Will next time. He goes down the ladder as well. "You did great today, Will," Hannibal says while approaching the hybrid and petting his head gently, making Will feel all warm inside. He missed Hannibal and the sweet words he'd say to him.

"Let's get your leash on. How about no muzzle? I think you've been a very good boy today," Hannibal suggests. Will's stomach does flips and his smile grows but it's hidden beneath his toy. He's never felt so warm and bubbly before, he craves more compliments and praise from Hannibal. He wants to be the best pet ever and be good, he wants to be pet and smothered with reassurance.

Hannibal is able to see Will's huge grin and wagging tail, making him smile as well. Hannibal clips the leash back onto the collar, but drops it onto the floor as he turns around to put some files away. Will sits on all fours on the floor with his toy in front of his hands, watching Hannibal.

It's not long till he's done and Hannibal is picking up the bag of toys and a satchel Will hasn't seen before. Hannibal picks up Will's leash and turns to the door.

Just as he reaches out to open the door, he hears something.


The human freezes and turns around slowly, amazed at Will's first word to him. His name. It was soft and quiet, almost as if Will was unsure that's his real name. Hannibal smirks, proud of his pup. Hannibal soon makes the connection, he never told Will his name, meaning he must've heard it from Franklyn.

"Hannibal," Will repeats, louder and more confident, giving Hannibal an idea of what his voice sounds like.

It's sweet, gentle and somehow sounds high yet low, an octave only music could explain. It matches his face perfectly, he sounds exactly how he looks. Beautiful.

"Yes, very good Will. I suppose I never introduced myself, how rude of me. I'm Hannibal Lecter, it's a pleasure to meet you William," Hannibal walks over to Will, standing tall in front of him.

Will opens his mouth for a second, he closes before speaking once more. "Hannibal... Lecter," he repeats.

"Doctor Lecter," Will says aloud, remembering what the clients would call him

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"Doctor Lecter," Will says aloud, remembering what the clients would call him.

"Yes, I'm doctor Lecter. But don't you worry about that, Will," Hannibal reaches down and places a hand on Will's cheek, stroking it with his thumb. Will leans into the touch, enjoying it.

The hybrids cheeks are quick to flush red, his tail curls around his leg and he gulps, looking up at Hannibal with wide eyes. He holds eye contact, refusing to break it. He stares into Hannibal's deep brown pools, wondering if he were to jump in, if he would make it out alive. Hannibal's eyes hide something, something that Will wants to uncover. There's some mischief that he wants to discover, that he wants to be apart of. A part of Will just wants to follow Hannibal everywhere, do as he does and live the same way.

Hannibal is surprised Will is still holding eye contact, he's growing braver and trusting Hannibal more and more everyday.

Hannibal bends down and grabs the leash off the floor. "Shall we?" He asks, being the first to break eye contact.

The hybrids nods his head and they walk out, locking the doors behind them and turning out all the lights.

When they arrive to the car, Will stands up and walks towards the passenger side in the front. "You want to sit in the front with me?" Hannibal questions while walking with Will, so he doesn't get choked by the leash.

The hybrid nods his head and Hannibal unlocks the door. Will gets in all by himself and closes the door, taking the leash with him. He buckles himself up, remembering how Hannibal does it. The doctor goes to the other side and gets in as well. He puts the bags in the back, starts the car and puts his seatbelt on. Hannibal starts driving and he hears Will's tail thudding against the seat as he watches the world go by.

"Do you know how to speak full sentences? Or was that your first time speaking," Hannibal asks, bringing them back to a discussion they had awhile ago. Hannibal knows Will can hear him and understand him, but that doesn't mean Will knows how to use full sentences and speak fluently.

The hybrid sits there quietly, he looks at Hannibal, hesitating before nodding. "Was that a yes to your first time speaking?" He asks, wanting to know more about his hybrid.

Will shakes his head no. "So you've spoken before," he repeats. Will nods his head yes, being honest with his owner. Hannibal sees in the corner of his eye, Will fiddling with the tip of his tail.

"Do not worry, pup. I'm not going to force you to speak. You may whenever you'd like, but I do look foreword to having a conversation with you eventually," Hannibal gives him an encouraging smile, making Will smile shyly and nod his head again.

"Do you not speak for a reason?" Hannibal asks, seeing if he can push the questions further.

Will avoids his glances and turns to look out the window, shrugging his shoulders, not really wanting to talk about it. Hannibal notices the change in behaviour and apologizes.

"My apologies Will, I should be more sensitive. Just know you're safe with me and I'd love to hear you speak more. You have a beautiful voice and I can't wait to learn more about you," Hannibal keeps his eyes on the road, not wanting to intimidate or make Will feel like he has to speak.

The hybrid wags his tail nervously and his ears point back. He keeps his gaze locked outside and nods his head.

He swallows hard before speaking once more.

"Thank you."

"Good Boy, Will." •HANNIGRAM•Where stories live. Discover now