Small Words

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A/N I absolutely love and appreciate the feedback you all gave me! Everyone seemed to agree on the same thing and I'm so glad! I'm so freaking excited for this story RAGHHH!!

He would be the one to end whoever ruined such a beautiful boy.


Hannibal sets the table for him and Will. He just finished making breakfast and Will is coming down the stairs. He just had a shower and even picked out the clothes he wants to wear. Today he's wearing a dull green long sleeve shirt with a regular pair of pants and socks. He likes the more casual clothing options, unlike Hannibal who is always wearing suits.

Hannibal smiles fondly at Will and pulls out a chair for him. The hybrid sits down, curling his tail onto his lap. Hannibal grabs two plates and serves for the both of them before sitting down across from Will.

He watches as Will picks up the fork, properly this time. He picks at the food before bringing it to his nose and sniffing it like a dog. He smiles happily at the delicious smell and takes a bite, enjoying the food in front of him.

Hannibal smiles back before taking a bite himself. He always wants to make sure Will is satisfied with the food before he eats it himself. He's always been like that for everyone.

"So William," Hannibal says while cutting into an egg. The hybrid looks up, making eye contact with Hannibal before taking another bite of his food and chewing happily.

"Tell me about yourself," Hannibal says, wanting to get more information about the hybrid.

Will's expression changes and he looks away from his eyes and looks down at his plate. He ignores Hannibal and keeps eating, not interested in using his words and telling his owner about himself.

Hannibal would be lying if he said he didn't mind Will ignoring him. His upper lip twitches, not taking alike to his rudeness.

"Would you rather talk about something else?" He asks Will, giving him another chance and not wanting to give him a hard time. The poor hybrid cried yesterday, he must not push him into an uncomfortable territory.

The hybrid doesn't look up, but this time he shrugs his shoulders and continues eating. Hannibal places his fork back down on the table and watches Will closely.

The hybrid hasn't blinked yet, his eyes are focused on his plate. He almost looks like a robot as he continues the similar motion of stabbing his food and bringing it to his mouth.

Will stops eating after a while and makes a fist around his fork. His ears go down and his stomach does flips nervously as he notices Hannibal has stopped eating. His eyes glance up at Hannibal's dark ones, intimidating Will.

The hybrid swallows and glances up again at Hannibal, scared he might get in trouble if he looks him in the eye.

"You can look at me Will," Hannibal says, as if he read Will's mind. Still nervous, Will looks up from his plate. His eyes continue flickering around the room, only glancing at Hannibal a few times.

"I am very interested in getting to know you as a person Will. You are not just my pet," Hannibal says to him, which reassures Will. The hybrid nods his head slowly, trying to muster the courage to speak to Hannibal.

He's just so used to not speaking and it feels weird. Plus, he likes communicating through body language rather than words.

"Okay," Will says softly while looking down at his food again. Hannibal smiles proudly at him. He loves hearing Will's voice, it's so unique. He just wishes he could hear the hybrid speak in sentences. He's only ever heard singular words.

"Why don't we start off with things I already know? Why don't you tell me your name," Hannibal encourages him by starting small. Will doesn't have to spill the beans to him right away.

Will swallows hard and taps his fork against the table gently, trying to somehow fidget. He glances at Hannibal, who waits for his response. Not wanting to disappoint his owner and get in trouble, he speaks.

"Will Graham," he continues to speak softly.

Hannibal's smile grows, he loves the way Will pronounces his name. He just wants to hear Will say his full name now.

"And do you know my name?" Hannibal asks. He remembers the first time Will said his name. It was so unexpected, but Hannibal loves the way his name rolls off of Will's tongue.

He wonders what has caused him to become so attracted to this hybrid.

"Hannibal Lecter," Will speaks louder this time and looks up into Hannibal's eyes. The expression on Will's face is hard to read. His mouth is shut and his head is somewhat tilted down, yet his eyes remained fixed onto Hannibal's. It almost looks like he's trying to intimidate the human.

Hannibal can't help but smirk, not feeling threatened at all, but rather impressed.

"There is no need to give me that look, Will. I am simply just enjoying the sound of your voice," Hannibal tells him honestly. Will is quick to look back down at his food and blush.

He's not sure how to handle all these compliments. He loves how Hannibal finds things to like about him. It makes him warm and fuzzy, it also makes him want to be good and listen and do everything Hannibal has to say, just so he can get praised.

Will pushes that thought down, holds his fork properly and starts eating again. Hannibal picks his back up and eats as well, wondering what else he could ask Will.

"Tomorrow I have to get back to work. Would you like to come with me again?" Hannibal asks Will. The hybrid looks up again and pouts like a puppy, not wanting Hannibal to leave again. He likes staying at home with him and clinging to him. He wishes everyday could be like this.

"Well? Pouting doesn't give me an answer."

Will chews on his bottom lip as he thinks to himself. Does he want to stay home alone? Or go with Hannibal?

The hybrid sighs and nods his head.

"No, you don't want to come?" Hannibal teases, knowing that Will wants too.

The hybrids eyebrows knit together and he shakes his head no, disagreeing with what Hannibal said.

"Okay, you don't want to come then," Hannibal continues eating, ignoring the pups rapid shake of his head as he tries telling Hannibal no, I do want to come. He knows that the hybrid will get frustrated and have to use his words.

Will lets out a loud whine, trying to gain Hannibal's attention but it doesn't work. He sits up on his knees and stands on them, leaning over the table with his hands pressed against it. He whines louder, trying to tell Hannibal he does want to come. The human continues ignoring him, pretending like he can't hear Will's whines. Will lets out a huff and sits back down.

"Yes, I want to come," he huffs out while crossing his arms over his chest.

Hannibal looks up and smirks at him. That had to be Will's first ever proper sentence.

"Good boy Will," he praises simply. The hybrid blushes and looks away. Using his words and gaining praise is something he's learning to love.

Praise is his favourite, he loves being called good, especially since he's been called bad all these years. He can't help it. Perhaps Hannibal would praise him even more so if he used his words often.

"Good Boy, Will." •HANNIGRAM•Where stories live. Discover now