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Once he's satisfied with the water, he lays down and brings his knees up to his chest. He looks around the room once more before finally relaxing and letting himself drift off to sleep.


Hannibal presses his ear against the door, listening into his bedroom. It's been about an hour since he's left Will alone and the hybrid has finally calmed down. Lecter opens the door quietly, peering into the room and seeing Will asleep in his cage. He smiles to himself before walking into the room to grab pyjamas and then heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

As he gets ready, he thinks of what they will do tomorrow. Hannibal will probably take William shopping and get him some comfortable clothes meant for hybrids. He wonders what kind of clothes Will would like to wear, whether he'll like casual or formal clothing. Hannibal hopes the hybrid will enjoy more formal options, but in the end he just wants Will to be comfortable and happy in the clothes he chooses.

Hopefully the hybrid will have calmed down and be more mature tomorrow. Hannibal really doesn't want to make Will wear the mask if he doesn't have too. All he has to do is behave, it's as easy as that.

Hannibal finishes getting ready for bed and walks back into his room. He closes the door and is greeted by darkness and soft whimpers. Hannibal looks over to the cage, only being able to see the outline of it due to the lack of light.

Will whimpers and Hannibal hears him kick the cage lightly with his foot repetitively, just like dogs when they are dreaming.

The whimpering continues and Hannibal gives the sleeping hybrid a concerned look. He's not sure if Will is awake and upset or asleep and having a possible nightmare.

Either way, he finds the entrance to the cage, he moves the empty plate aside and opens the kennel. If Will wants to come out he'd be free too, if it sounds like his nightmares or whines get worse, he will wake William up.

Hannibal walks back to his bed and lays down, letting out a long sigh. Hopefully the hybrid will have a better day tomorrow. The man closes his eyes and is able to drift off to sleep.

Drowning. Will let's out a scream as the water fills his cage. He tries swimming up but a chain is connected to the floor and the other part is clipped onto his collar. He scratches at the material around his neck and tries taking it off but there's no budge. Hybrids scream and cry around him before getting swept underwater themselves.

The water keeps rising and Will tugs as hard as he can on the chain. At this point the water is almost at the ceiling, leaving Will to be fully submerged underwater. Just as he's about to faint from lack of air and drown, he lets out a final scream. Water comes rushing into his mouth and drown his throat, straight into his stomach. After, he chokes and the water soon goes to his lungs as well.

A burning sensation fills inside him, he tries breathing but water is the only thing around him. The hybrid claws at his mouth, breaking skin and adding blood into the water. It's not long till his struggling is over. Will is able to watch his body relax and slowly float to the bottom and lay there limply...

Will gasps and sits up, completely frightened by his nightmare. He pants heavily and looks around the room, realizing it was just another nightmare. He places his head in his hands but soon pulls away when he feels all the sweat on his forehead and body. His shirt clings tightly to him, even his pyjama pants are all wet with sweat. He gets on his knees and feels the bottom of the dog bed, it's soaked as well.

He lets out a soft whine and rubs the sweat off his face. Will has been having nightmares for years and they've never gone away and some are worse than others.

The hybrid notices that the kennel gate is wide opened and Will doesn't hesitate to crawl out. As soon as he's out he feels himself shrink in the darkness, he feels opened and exposed. He tries to ignore the feeling by thinking about the gross sweat covering his body. He tugs his shirt off the way Hannibal put it on, he then takes off his pants and socks as well, leaving the hybrid in his underwear.

He lets out a sigh of relief as the cool air hits his sweat stained body. Will lays down on the floor in a starlike position, allowing himself to dry off and cool off. He doesn't lay there for long before he hears the sound of something rustling in sheets.

He shoots up in fear but soon realizes that it's his owner stirring in his sleep. Will has no memory of Hannibal coming into his room, so he must've when he was asleep.

From a distance, Will listens to him breathe lightly and peacefully. Growing curious of what the man looks like sleeping, he creeps over on all fours to the side of the bed. Will sits like a dog, inches away from Hannibal's face on the bed. Will sniffs quietly, actually being able to sniff the human properly since he's asleep and Will doesn't have to worry about him attacking.

The man smells like wine and blood. Will wasn't sure if he was bleeding somewhere or just naturally had an iron scent on him, either way, he doesn't mind. He likes the smell, it reminds him of freshly killed animals. When he was abandoned at the boarder Will was constantly hunting small rodents and eating them, he liked how the blood tasted on his tongue.

Will sits there for a bit, just looking around the dark room. It's not long until the hybrid grows tired again and is ready for bed. He crawls back to the cage and places his hand on the bed, feeling and noticing it's still wet. He frowns before looking back at Hannibal's bed.

It's large and could probably hold three people, plus, Hannibal is sleeping at the very edge of the bed. Will decides it wouldn't hurt to sleep on Hannibal's bed. He just has to wake up before him and get off before the human gets mad and attacks.

Will peaks his head over the bed, watching Hannibal. He crawls onto the bed and curls up in a ball at the end, he faces Hannibal so he's able to watch his every move, just incase Will needs to make a run for it.

The staring doesn't last long as Will grows sleepier. He's never laid on something so comfy; his tail tucks between his legs protectively and he cuddles it before falling asleep.

"Good Boy, Will." •HANNIGRAM•Where stories live. Discover now