Bedelia and Trouble

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This chapter will be switching between their POV's but it will be taking place at the same time! So whatever's Hannibal's doing and it switches to Will- imagine it's the same time. I hope that makes sense! I am terrible with words-

also I did not edit the ending but I rlly wanna publish this but I got family coming over- so forgive me if there r some grammar errors and silly spelling!

-Milo, xoxo!

"Hello? Yes, I would like to schedule an appointment."


"I am just not sure how to appropriately deal with him," Hannibal says to his psychiatrist.

After some thought, Hannibal realized he needs more help with Will. He booked an appointment to visit with his psychiatrist, Bedelia Du Maurier. She always offers some sort of insight to Hannibal, whether it's good or bad.

The two sit across from each other, the lady with her legs crossed and hands folded neatly, one over the other, listening to Hannibal talk about his problems.

"Remind me, what exactly is your relationship with Will Graham?" She asks, confused as to if Will is more of his pet, companion or friend.

Hannibal sits there quietly, not entirely sure what his relationship with Will is. He doesn't consider him a pet, yet he's been treating Will like one. Hannibal doesn't reply and the silence tells Bedelia the answer.

"I take it that you aren't entirely sure what your relationship with Mr. Graham is," she says formally.

"He is a friend," Hannibal tries to argue.

"A friend that you command? One that you sit on the floor to eat," she draws out her words as she reminds him of his actions.

"Will is a hybrid, he must be treated like one. He cannot go around biting whenever he pleases," Hannibal gives a better answer than before. Bedelia nods her head slowly, agreeing with him.

"I agree, he needs to be taught manners. Especially with a man like you, in charge," she smiles, trying to compliment on the fact Hannibal is a neat and tidy man who likes things a certain way.

Hannibal smiles back at her.

"I am trying my best, but it appears, he can only cause nothing but trouble these days."

~Meanwhile With Will~

Will sits in the middle of Hannibal's bed, looking around the room. Today Hannibal left him for an appointment, which leaves Will home alone for the first time.

Hannibal said he'd only be gone for an hour, but unfortunately for Will, he has no clue how to read time. It's an embarrassing fact about him, he only knows day and night. Nobody ever took their time to teach him anything for that matter.

The hybrid lets out a sigh and falls backwards in the bed, bouncing back up a little bit. He rolls onto his side and nudges Hannibal's pillow, letting out a whimper. He knows Hannibal is still mad at him, it was clear when he didn't even ask Will where he wanted to sit today. They ate breakfast again with Will on the floor and Hannibal in the chair.

"Good Boy, Will." •HANNIGRAM•Where stories live. Discover now