Difficult Dressings

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Will just stares at him before turning around and running off to hide.


"No William, you must wear clothes if we're leaving the house," Hannibal argues while trying to dress Will in a pair of casual slacks. Will has one leg in and he's trying to back away from Hannibal in the bedroom but he's struggling due to his leg being trapped in the clothing.

"It's inappropriate if you are not dressed," Will finally gives in and places his other leg through the pant hole. Hannibal pulls them up to his hips and does them up, they are lose on his hips and one swift tug could easily pull them down.

Hannibal let's out a sigh and walks to his closet, searching for a belt. When he comes back to Will, the hybrid's torso is twisted as he tries to rip a small hole in the pants to put his tail through. "Nah ah," Hannibal rushes over and grabs his wrists, earning a growl from Will. The hybrid yanks his hands free and steps back.

"We will not be ripping any holes in these pants, these are mine William," Hannibal argues against the action. Will doesn't listen, he just tugs on the pants, trying to find a comfortable position for his tail.

"We will put the belt on, it'll rest just below your tail," Hannibal says. Hopefully the belt will keep the pants in place, even if they are low by Will's bum.

"I'm going to put it on, alright?" Hannibal says while approaching Will. The hybrid doesn't say anything and his face shows no emotion.

Hannibal takes that as a yes and he feeds the belt through the first loop. He continues to follow through till he's behind Will, searching for the loop hiding under his tail. Hannibal grabs the base of Will's tail, earning a yelp. The human let's go as Will drops to all fours and turns around, baring his teeth defensively and growling.

"Oh William," Hannibal places his hands on his hips, allowing Will to let his anger out by growling.

"I do not have time for your pettiness, I'm just trying to help you," he takes a step towards Will, causing the hybrid to take a step back.

Turns out Will does not enjoy having his tail touched. "I apologize for touching your tail, now may I finish putting on your belt?" Hannibal asks, waiting for some sort of a reply.

Will closes his mouth and stops growling. He sulks quietly and ducks his head in an submissive manner. Hannibal let's out a sigh of relief and reaches down to grab the dangling belt.

Clearly Will doesn't like that, so he is quick to open his mouth and sink his teeth deep into Hannibal's forearm. The human knows not to drag his arm away now, he doesn't want Will's teeth to cut through him like a knife.

He watches and blood starts seeping through his sleeve. He never thought teeth could be so sharp. Will aggressively tugs on his arm a bit, causing Hannibal to wince in pain and move with him.

"You are incredibly rude Mr. Graham," Hannibal pants slightly as he tries to deal with the teeth in his arm.

"And rudeness will not be tolerated," he sticks his free hand into Will's cheek and starts shoving his fingers past his teeth and to the back of his throat.

The hybrid lets out a whimper as Hannibal hits the back of his throat with his fingers. He lets go of the human's arm and starts coughing as he tries to make the itchy feeling in the back of his throat go away.

"Good Boy, Will." •HANNIGRAM•Where stories live. Discover now