The Losers Club ☔

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~It chapter 2~
⚠️mature themes: SA, Torture⚠️

I slowly started to become aware of my own body again, slowly prying my eyes open. The heaviness in my eyes making it hard to keep them from shutting closed. My mouth and throat were dry, aching from the harsh feeling. My sight blurry but slowly starting to come to me, I could make out shapes in front of me. A soft light came from something sitting on what I imagined was a table in the corner of the room, and a chair sitting in front of me just a few feet away. I tried I move my body towards the chair, my body aching to rest.

A clink echoed through the room above me. My head slowly looked up, blinking away the blurriness. My arms hung above me, cold metal cuffs that hung from the ceiling with chains held my body up. I felt my heart beat start to increase as more sensations of my body came clearer. My legs ached with tiredness, begging to fall to my knees. I turned my head down, looking towards my ankles. Metal chains wrapped around each of my ankles tightly, pinching at my skin.

"What the fuck..." I groaned softly. I picked my head up, the room becoming more clear. "Where am I?"

To the right was a set of stairs going up into darkness. In the corner of the room with the light was indeed a table. On top it held a candle, just lightly making the room less eerie. Concrete surrounded me, the walls and floor both being made out of it. I must be in a basement.

I closed my eyes as I tried to think of the last thing I remembered. Thinking of anything to help me put together what happened and how I got to where I am now.

I remember driving to Derry, going to the restaurant, seeing everyone. I opened my eyes and looked to the concrete floor.

"We-" The word got stuck in my throat. "Stanley..."

I squeezed my eyes as I remembered Beverly's facial expression once she called his number. Tears welded in my eyes as I sucked in a breath.

"C'mon Y/n, what happened after, think."

We knew this was a bad idea, coming back to Derry. So we all got in our cars and drove away, maybe to the bed and breakfast in town. It's the only one after all. I remember getting in my car and driving there, I had dropped my luggage off before going to the restaurant. But when I got there...

My stomach dropped as I started to remember. His face, Henry Bowers. I knew it was him by the look in his eyes. He must have done something to me, taken me.

The sickening feeling settled in my throat as I bit my lip. How long have I been here? What does he want with me? What is he going to do? The questions raced through my mind like a race track.

"You're awake..." His voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I shot my head up towards the creaking stairs where he was walking down.

Dressed in a dirty wife beater and old khaki jeans that were obviously too big for him. The dim candle just barely lighting up his figure. My bottom lip started to quiver as I leaned deeper into the cold concrete. This time I felt the cold press against my back and I realized I was only in my under garments. My body almost fully stripped.

"Well...? Are you going to say hello to your old friend?" I could hear the smile on his face through his words. "To your old lover?" He giggled, the type of giggle that makes the hairs stand up on the back of your neck.

I kept my mouth shut, scared of saying anything that would upset him.

"Say something!" He screamed as he ran towards me. My lungs felt as if they collapsed as he pressed a cool blade to my stomach.

"H-Hi Henry." I choked out, looking into his eyes with fear laced in mine.

"Better..." I could see the smile on his lips forming as he pressed the knife just slightly harder into my skin. I sucked in my stomach slightly out of instinct.

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