Beverly Marsh ☁️

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Warnings: swearing
!Aged up!

"You ready?" Beverly asked me as we stood at the edge of the cliff.

"As I will ever be." I smiled at her.

She took my hand in hers and she began to count.

"One...Two..." She counted.

"Three!" We said together as we jumped into the air.

Within seconds we hit the cold greenish water. Once our heads popped up, giggles left our lips.

"I got a huge wedgie!" I laughed loudly as I pulled the cloth down.

"Really?" She began to laugh harder.

"Stop laughing!" I nudged her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She continued to laugh.

"You're so mean." I smiled.

I tried to swim away but she pulled my arm towards her. She pulled hard so I was pulled into her chest. I continued to giggle until I realized she wasn't anymore.

"What's wrong?" My face softened "Bev? You, ok?"

She starred into my eyes; it was as if she was in a trance.


She quickly cut me off by smashing her lips against mine. She pulled away and fear was in her eyes.

"Oh my god- I'm so, so, so sorry!" She panicked.

I quickly put my hand behind her neck and pulled her towards me; our lips crashed once again. She placed her hands on my hips while I wrapped my free arm over her shoulder.

We slowly pulled away from each other and looked into one another's eyes.

"Holy shit." I smiled as I looked into her eyes "You're a good kisser."

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