Beverly Marsh ☔️

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Warnings: ⚠️TW⚠️Murder/swearing/blood/semi-detailed

"Henry please!" I cried out in fear.

"Shut up!" He hissed back at me.

"Please don't!" Tears filled my eyes as I watched him.

Henry stepped closer to me with Beltch and Victor closely behind him. My eyes traveled down to his hand which held a silver pocket knife.

"Whoa- Henry please don't!" I choke out.

"Gays don't belong here." He muttered harshly under his breath.

"I'm not ok, I'm not gay!" I panicked.

"Shut the fuck up y/l/n I saw you shoving your tongue down Marsh's throat" He hissed back at me.

My heart began beating out of my chest. Henry quickly rushed over towards me, before I could move the silver blade slid across my throat.

"Henry!" Victor's eyes shot open.

I placed my hands on my neck, the warm blood flowed down my arms and into my shirt. The pain was almost unbearable.  I stumbled back and fell on my back as I looked at the boys. Gargling sounds left my lips as I tried to breath. I watched the clouds in the blue sky move past me as my eyes became heavy and I could feel the pain slowly start to vanish.


~3rd person POV~

Henry threated to kill the other two boys if they said anything about that to anyone. Fear filled the two middle school boys as they nodded their heads in agreement. The three boys walked away from the scene, leaving y/n dead in the woods.

Only a couple hours passed before a dad and his son found her while they were hunting for squirls. When the sheriffs showed up at the y/l/n residents, y/n's mother already knew something bad happened. Something bad always happens in Derry.

"I'm sorry Mrs. and Mr. Y/l/n, we found your daughter in the woods just a little bit ago." The sheriff with short brown hair that covered his forehead told Mrs. y/l/n.

Y/n's mother collapsed into her husband's arms as they both cried for their loss of their twelve-year-old daughter.


Beverly and the boy's road up to her house just as the sheriff spoke about y/n's death.

"Y/n's dead?" Beverly mumbled in disbelief. 

Beverly quickly took off on her bike towards the woods, something in her didn't want to believe it until she saw it.

"Beverly wait!" Richie shouted at her with a broken voice.

Without hesitation the boys took off after her. Only a few minutes later Beverly made it to the crime scene, her chest heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath. She got off her bike and let it fall into the crunchy leaves. Beverly bolted towards the yellow tape that contained the crime scene. A female sheriff quickly grabbed onto Beverly before she could contaminate the area.

"You can't go in there!" The woman shouted as she tried to hold Beverly back.

"Y/n!" Beverly cried "Y/n!"

The sheriff and Beverly fell to their knees as Beverly sobbed uncontrollably.

The boys silently look at y/n's covered body. Their eyes filled with tears.

"Y/n." The red head continued to cry. "Please y/n come back-."

The yellow tarp that once covered y/n's body was now pulled down to her waist. Y/n's eyes were dark and lifeless. Her hands, chest, chin, neck- it was all covered in blood. Dry, dark, red blood.

"Th-This can't be real." Eddie mumbled.

"She-she can't be g-g-gone" Bill stuttered.

Sobs filled the air as the sheriffs began examining y/n's lifeless body.

Beverly stopped cry when all her emotions fell down to the dirt. She felt numb. She wouldn't ever be able to see her best friend again, her girlfriend. The secret relationship between them will forever be one. Y/n and Beverly won't ever be able to grow old together, they will never be able to buy a house together, they will never be able to have their 20 dogs they always wanted, they will never be able to be happy. Beverly won't ever be able to be happy again. Not after her soul mate was killed.

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