Georgie Denbrough ☔️

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Warnings: Swearing

I made my way through the grey muck as I plugged my nose with my thumb and index finger.

Just minutes earlier I got dragged down a drain by a clown with fiery red hair and yellow eyes. I was on my way to my friend Amy's house. I stopped when I thought I heard a boy's echoey screams, but as I knelt down in the pool of water by the drain a gloved hand quickly latched onto my arm pulling me into the opening.

"Hello?!" I called out. "Anyone please!"

"Help!" A boy's voice echoed.

"Hello! Where are you!" I called out to the voice.

"Please!" He screamed.

I quickly ran through the water as I followed his voice.

"I need you to keep talking!" I called out.

"I'm over here!" He called out to me.

"I'm coming!" I turned right and ran into an opening.

A huge pile of toys and clothes surrounded a huge box trailer type thing that said, 'Pennywise the Dancing Clown.'

"Hello, are you in here!?" I called out.

"Here!" His voice echoing around me.

I quickly made my way around the pile of toys, searching for the boy.

"Oh my god." I cupped my mouth.

"Help me." He sobbed, tears and snot running down his face.

I quickly ran over to the boy, who was clearly in shock, and knelt beside him. I took my jacket off and took my t-shirt off that was still dry. I quickly put my jacket back over my sports bra that was the only thing that was covering my chest.

"I need to take your jacket off, ok?" I shakily spoke as I looked down at his arm.

"O-Ok..." He cried.

I slowly took his jacket off while trying to not move his arm to much, well what was left of it anyway.

"It hurts!" he cried "I want Billy!"

"I know... I just need to try and stop the blood as much as I can." I looked down and slipped my belt off that held my jeans up and wrapped it around his arm.

"Ow!" He cried in pain.

"I'm sorry." My voice shaky as I spoke. I quickly tore my shirt to make it easier to wrap around his arm. His body shook slightly as I tightened the belt around the shirt.

"I'm cold..." He mumbled.

I looked down at his jacket that was covered in blood then back to him. I unzipped my jacket and slipped it off of my shoulders. "Here." I slipped it around his shoulders and placed his good arm through the sleeve before zipping it up. "What's your name?" I looked into his teary eyes.

"Georgie." His voice soft but coherent. 

"I'm Y/n." I gave him a soft smile. 

A shiver crawled down my spine as a chill blew across my almost bare back.

"Let's get you up, okay?"

He looked up at me with fear painting his face. His bottom lip began to quiver as tears poured down his rosy cheeks.

"Don't worry, I'll help you." I tried to reassure him.

I have no idea how much pain this poor boy is feeling but I do know I have to get him out of here before anything else happens. I got onto his left side and placed his arm over my shoulder, I placed my hand on his back.

"Okay on three. One, two, three!"

I lifted with my knees as he slowly got up. His legs shook underneath him as I held him up.

"Can you walk?" 

"No." Georgie began to sob.

"It's okay, it's okay. Let's just get you on my back, I'll carry you."

He held onto me tightly with his left arm as I moved slowly to bend down in front of him. I placed my hands on the back of his legs and took a deep breath in before using all of my strength to pull him up. He cried out as I pulled him up but quieted down once he was settled on my back.

"Are you okay?" I breathed out, trying to catch my breath.

"Y- yeah." He mumbled into my ear, laying his head down on my shoulder. "I'm so tired."

"You have to stay awake for me, okay? No falling asleep." 

The only way to fully know he was alive is if I kept him talking and conscious. 

"Okay..." He muttered. "He said he would give me back my boat" 

I held onto him tightly as I started to walk back around the pile of children's toys. My eyes shooting around to look for a way out.

"Who did?" I asked.

"Pennywise, he told me he would give me my boat" Tears dripped down onto my shoulder. "He was lying. I just want to go home."

"I promise you; I'm going to get you out of here."

"Are you sure?" A demonic voice asked from behind us as I spotted an exit.

I turned around to be faced with a freakishly tall clown with bright orange hair, yellow eyes, a white ruffle costume, and white gloves.

"Stay the hell away from us." I hissed, backing away from the monster.

Georgie buried his face into the crook of my neck as he began to sob louder.

"I just want to play" The clown smiled devilishly. 

"I'm not scared of you." My teeth clenched as I dared daggers into face.

"Yes you are." He giggled.

"Georgie, hold on tight." I whispered to him as I quickly spun around towards the exit. I held onto Georgie with all the strength I could build up as I started moving quickly to the opening into the sewers.

Mucky water splashed underneath my feet as I moved through the dark tunnels. My heart thumped heavily in my chest as I continued to push forwards. I couldn't hear anything from behind us, no signs of the clown following us. I turned a corner and light flooded through a small part in the wall. A water drain. My legs were already exhausted, but I continued until I was in front of the opening.

"Georgie, I need you to climb up there." Panic laced my voice; I had no idea how long I had until the clown appeared again.

I helped Georgie off of my back and quickly knelt onto one knee in front of the opening by the ceiling. I latched my fingers together and looked to Georgie. 

"Hurry Georgie, you need to put your foot in my hands so I can push you up."

Fear coated his face as he looked down at me, shaking his head 'no'. "I can't."

"You can Georgie, you can. Do it for Billy okay? You want to see Billy? The only way to get to him is to climb!"

Georgie gulped as he looked up at the opening. He nodded his head as he placed his left leg into my palms. I held onto his foot tightly as he lifted his other foot into my palms. 

"Okay, I'm going to lift you up." I grunted. "Grab onto the side and pull yourself out!"

I cried out as I lifted my right leg off of ground and pushed him higher. My chest tightened as I pushed his feet up. I let out a deep breath as his weight was lifted off of my palms. I pushed his feet forwards as he crawled out of the opening.

"Y/n!" Georgie cried out to me. 

"Just go! I'll find another way out! Just go!"

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