Richie Toizer ☁️

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Warnings: Swearing

(In this Imagine, Beverly doesn't appear in this scene unlike the movie)

I looked at the box of Tampons and tried to figure out which one to buy. I slowly reached out and grabbed a blue box of Tampax. I took the box and began to walk down the isle. I turned to the right but quickly walked into the next isle after seeing Greta walking down it. I stopped in my tracks like a deer in headlights when I saw 3 boys grabbing medical supplies. I quickly hid the box behind my back.

"Y-you ok?" The boy with a stutter asked

"I'm fine" I quickly spoke "What's wrong with you?"

"None of your business" The boy with curly hair spoke

"There's a kid outside, looks like someone killed him" The shorter boy spoke

"We need some s-s-supplies, but we don't have enough money" The boy in the green shirt spoke

I looked to the ground and then back up to them.

"Quickly get out of the store when I turn my head over to you" I quickly told the boys as I walked by them and over to the register.

I "accidentally" bumped into the  rack of cigarettes and as the pharmacist bent down to pick them up I turned around and looked towards the 3 boys. They quickly ran out of the store and I grabbed a pack of cigarettes before the pharmacist stood back up. I payed for what I got and walked out of the store. I turned to the left and saw the boy with the green shirt so I walked over towards him. He dug in his pocket and pulled out $3.

I smiled and showed him the pack I stole.

"Even Steven" I smiled and winked

I heard commotion coming down from the alley. I looked down and saw Ben. I walked down the alley towards the boys.

"Are you ok that looks like it hurts" I spoke

"uh- no i'm good. I just fell" Ben told me

"Yeah right into Henry Bowers" A boy with glasses spoke

"S-shut up" The boy with the stutter spoke

"I should get going" I spoke "Maybe i'll see you later then"

"Uh- we were thinking about going to the q-quarry tomorrow" The boy spoke "If-if you wanna come"

"Good to know, thanks" I smiled and walked away

~The next day~

I road my bike up to where the 5 boys were.

"All right- Who's first?" Bill asked

"I'll go" I shouted

They all turned around as I took of my dress and there showed my pink bra that perfectly shaped my boobs and my black underwear. I ran right between them and jumped from the cliff. I poked my head of the water and brushed my Y/H/C out of my face.

"You guys coming?!" I called out to them

After they jumped in Bill, Eddie, Ben, and Stanley were playing chicken fight while me and Richie watched them.

"Hey" I smiled over to Richie

"Hi" he simply spoke

"Do you not like me?" I asked

"Why would you say that?" He asked

"I mean you act like you don't" I told him

"Sorry" he told me

"It's ok I guess, I just wanna know what I did" I told him

"Y-you make me speechless Y/N" He mumbled"

I smiled to myself and looked back to the 4 boys.

"I can make it so you're not" I smirked

I turned back over to him and smirked. His eyes widened and his mouth hung ajar.

"Just think about it" I smiled as I swam over to the others 

"Holy shit" I heard Richie mumbled

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