Stanley Uris ☔️

678 6 1

Warnings: Swearing / death

AU: Stanley gets taken instead of Beverly

Third Person POV

Y/n's cheeks were raw from her salty tears. The small girl's feet were firmly pressed against her bike pedals as her legs moved in circles.

"Y/n wait up!" Richie, who was also known as 'four eyes', called out to Y/n.

"We need to hurry!" Y/n tried to yell but her voice was all broken, it ended up sounding like 'W- *Gasp* need t-t-to hurry!'

Y/n quickened her speed once the black house was in her view. Without thinking Y/n dropped her bike in the middle of the street and bolted into the old house.

"Stanley!" Y/n called out through the house.

"Y/n!" Y/n heard Stanley's voice call.

"Where are you!?" Y/n panicked.

"Help!" She heard him yelp.

Y/n shot her head around to the kitchen and quickly sprinted into the room.

"I'm coming Stan!" The words harshly scraped Y/n's dry mouth as they left her pink lips.

Y/n stopped and looked at the well in front of her- it had dry blood splotches on it and a bunch of old bloody clothes hanging on the sides of the broken stone.

"Stanley?" Y/n softly called down into the well

"Y/n help me!" Y/n heard Stanley's racking voice.

"I'm coming! Don't move ok!?"

Y/n looked around the basement for something to climb down the well. Y/n's y/e/c eyes lit up once she found some rope. In a blink of an eye Y/n was already climbing down into the well.

"I-I'm coming Stan!" Y/n struggled to climb into an opening.

Y/n pulled her self through the small tunnel until she was in a bigger one- the sewer tunnels.

"Stanley I- I need you to talk ok!" Y/n shouted out "I need to find you!"

"I'm here Y/n please!" Stanley's voice echoed.

Y/n smiled and quickly ran through the dirty water towards the boy's voice.


"Y/n!" Stanley's voice echoed into Y/n's ears.

Y/n ran into an open area with a mountain of toys.

"Y/n!" Eddie, one of the losers, yelled and his voice echoed off of the sewer walls "Where are you?!"

"I'm-" y/n began but she was cut off.

"Y/n please! Help!" Stanley screamed.

Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she ran through dirty puddles. She turned the corner and looked for Stanley.

"Stanley I'm here-" Y/n stopped in her tracks once she saw Stanley laying on his bad with blood spilling out of his stomach.

Her eyes widened as tears filled them. She raised her right hand to her lips as she started to slowly walk towards Stanley.

"Stan..." Y/n mumbled.

His eyes were open, they were dull and lifeless. Y/n had more tears streaming down her cheeks as her bottom lip quivered.

"Stan wake up..." Y/n whispered.

She bent down on her knees and slowly moved her shaky hand to Stanley's cheek. She softly tapped his warm skin and his head tilted to the side. She quickly pulled her hand back and stood up.

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