Stanley Uris 🍋

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Warnings: Kissing/ swearing


~Aged up to 16~

My lips moved down his jaw to his neck. My hips were pressed against his stomach and his hands were on my waist. A slight moan slipped out of his soft lips once I began to suck on his neck. His grip tightened around my hips as he pushed my hips down onto him.

"Sh-shit.." Stan mumbled

I slowly kissed my way back up to his lips, his breath was heavy. My lips connected to his and almost immediately he flipped us over. I couldn't help but giggle against his lips at his actions. He pulled away and looked into my eyes

"What now?" He smiled "This is the fifth time you have laughed, I'm trying to have a moment with you"

His left hand was propped up next to my head while his right hand traced shaped into my side under my shirt.

"Nothing" I tried not to smile

I pulled him down and connected our lips but he pulled back

"Seriously y/n"

I pushed him off of me and I sat up

"Are you mad now?" He asked

I looked into his eyes and lifted my shirt up over my head. I tossed it off his bed and his eyes went wide. I watched as his eyes trailed down my chest and then back up to my eyes.

"Holy fuck.." He mumbled

"Are you gonna kiss me now?" I smiled

He quickly connected our lips and pushed me down onto his pillow. His right hand was placed right below my bra. I could tell he was a little unsure if he should move his hand up or not.

"You can move your hand up" I mumbled against his lips

He slowly moved his hand up and cupped my bra covered boob.

"Holy shit did we just walk into a porno!?" I heard a voice laugh

Stan quickly got off of me and threw a pillow at my chest. I opened my eyes and saw Richie- well everyone standing there with wide eyes.

"Hey guys..." I awkwardly laughed

"We'll be in the living room" Bev slowly walked away with the boys

Stan looked down at me and laughed

"Well shit" He shook his head

"At least it wasn't your dad" I laughed too

"Oh god if it was my dad-" He shook his head "I would be dead"

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